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Darlings, this chapter comes with a MOONY illustration. However, I've been tardy in rendering it - I shall return and post it here posthaste, alright?

Lot of Kisses. (I'm keen to see if you've been catching all the rabbits I've scattered throughout the chapter.)


You told me I would never see you go astray

Said we'd never be apart

Never leave me in the dark

I guess there's just some promises you shouldn't make

Should've known from the start

Anna of the North


Andromeda took the afternoon off for a jaunt to the Ministry. She was on the hunt for a power of attorney and some fresh, counterfeit documents for Hermione.

We had to be meticulous.

It would raise all sorts of suspicions if one of the wizarding society's most illustrious and well-regarded couples suddenly acquired a third child, matching the second in age. It would be even more dubious if this child wasn't introduced to the wizarding elite and splashed across the front pages of the Daily Prophet.

We needed a well-crafted fib, similar to the one we concocted seventeen years ago, when I agreed to pretend to be Nymphadora's second mum to prevent Andromeda and the baby from facing execution, as Ted Tonks did.

The image of his mutilated body still seared behind my eyelids.

Bellatrix was thorough in her cruelty: first, she tortured him, carving 'mudblood' into his right arm. Then, she sealed his lips so he'd never speak again, and slit his throat.

I couldn't pinpoint exactly what killed him ─ the stab to his heart or the slashed throat. But I supposed it must have been the latter, as his body finally succumbed.

Andromeda was devastated. She barely ate or drank. She didn't leave her room or speak to anyone.

Like an Inferius in her own body. The only person she would let in was me, the only person who she felt safe with ─ she said.

It was fortunate that by then she had already moved into Potter Manor.

In 1972, Andy was cast out for supporting Muggle-borns. We were best mates, inseparable. She was welcomed with open arms, and it wasn't long before Sirius also ran away from home to join us.

My mother was over the moon. To her, Sirius was a third child, and she always thought Andy and I were an item.

Although that couldn't have been further from the truth, it turned out to be right in the future.

It started with a lie to protect a dear friend, and somehow, we fell in love somewhere along the line. ─ Lovers; It's really funny, how feelings can change.

Our fake relationship, unsurprisingly, was a hot topic among the Blacks.

Druella nearly tore her hair out when she found out. But I always supposed she settled down in the end, preferring to have a 'blood traitor' as a daughter-in-law rather than a Muggle-born.

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