6. Malam Ilmuwati Muda

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In her kiosk on the weekends, Lobertari would always spend her personal quality time at her study table, working on theories to spare the time, reading journals and books online, and watching space and astronomy movies just for analysis and comparison of reality. She was so devoted to her work, that she devoted it over anything and anyone else. This was until Zarena knocked over the door by the evening.

"Sore—siapkah, lu? (In Bahasa Indonesia: Evening—ready, are you?)" Zarena greeted.

"Permisi, apakah saya bisa bantu? (In Bahasa Indonesia: Pardon, may I help you?)" Lobertari asked.

"Formal, ndak usah, Lan. Semua jajanan sudah datang. Yang lain lagi menyusul—berangkat, kita hendak, sebelum keramean (In Bahasa Indonesia: Formal, you shan't need to be, Lan. All the jajanan is here. Others are on their way—depart, we must, before it gets too crowded)" Zarena revealed.

"Hmm, tidak, terima kasih (In Bahasa Indonesia: Hmm, no thank you)" Lobertari closed the doors, and Zarena blocked,

"Lobertari, menekankan, kamu jangan. Kamu harus datang (In Bahasa Indonesia: Lobertari, some slack, you must cut us some. You should come)" Zarena encouraged.

"Zarena, menghargai, saya itu, tetapi saya sudah punya acara khusus, yang telah direncanakan di luang saya (In Bahasa Indonesia: Zarena, appreciate, I do, but I already have a special occasion in mind, already present at my space)" Lobertari excused.

"Lu bisa lakukan itu kapan aja (In Bahasa Indonesia: You can do that anytime)" Zarena said. "Ayolah, Lan, keluarlah, lu hendak. Itu kan merupakan tugas astronaut kan? (In Bahasa Indonesia: Come on, Lan, get out there, you must. Isn't that what astronauts do?)"

"Okedeh! Satu menit (In Bahasa Indonesia: Fine! One minute)" Lobertari decided and went to change her clothes. She changed into her casual blue work skirt.

"Lobertari, lu tidak harus terlalu... (In Bahasa Indonesia: Lobertari, you don't need to be so...)" Zarena commented on the fashion.

"Menghiraukan mode saya sekali lagi, saya ndak akan datang (In Bahasa Indonesia: Mind the fashion once more, I won't come at all)" Lobertari warned.

"Yowes. Ayo, kita harus jalan dua halte di monorel (In Bahasa Indonesia: Very well. Come, we shall take two stops in the monorail)"

Lobertari was very reluctant to attend an eating activity she deemed needless. Her, riding the crowded monorail was enough to take her aspirations away—but too late, there was no turning back now.

Already at the jajanan called Jajanan Indah Lestari, crowds and stands already populated the entire walkway,

"Ikut saya, orang-orang Bantargara pada nongkrong dekat bakery (In Bahasa Indonesia: Follow me, people from Bantagara are hanging by the bakery)" Zarena called. "Jadi, sepertinya ramai, ya? (In Bahasa Indonesia: So, crowded, isn't it?)"

"Lebih banyak alasannya untuk tidak datang (In Bahasa Indonesia: More the reason why I shouldn't be here)" Lobertari spouted.

"Lebih banyak alasanya untuk tidak memakai rok itu, gua pengen ingatkan (In Bahasa Indonesia: The more reason not to wear the skirt, I was trying to remind you)" Zarena charmed.

"Ada lagi yang lu ingin perbincangkan? (In Bahasa Indonesia: Is there something you'd like to say?)" Lobertari questioned.

"Lan, kamu gak mau apa untuk kenikmatan kuliner di hidup mu? (In Bahasa Indonesia: Lan, don't you want some culinary feast in life?)" Zarena wondered.

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