Chapter 1

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I don't know why I came.

The booming music of the hot club wasn't helping my headache, not to mention I wasn't in the mood to be fighting off drunk, sweaty men.  

My friends had dragged me out here. I had just gone through a bad breakup, and they refused to let me stay home. It was a Monday night, about 11:00pm, and I had classes tomorrow.

I lifted the cold glass to my lips, sitting back in the empty booth as the alcohol flowed smoothly down my throat. I watched my friends, laughing and dancing, oblivious to the fact that I really didn't want to be here.

I wasn't supposed to be drinking either. I'm only 19, so I used my fake ID I'd gotten in high school. I'm in college now, but I rarely use it. I'm not really a "partier", but I'll admit, the alcohol did help tonight.

I slid out of the booth and stood up, adjusting my slightly too short, black dress. I picked up my purse, heading to the restroom, avoiding the eyes of several intoxicated men following me and quickly pushed through the crowd. Just as I broke through, something caught my eye.

He was sitting alone at the bar, watching the crowd. Several empty glasses sat behind him.

He was gorgeous. His thick, brown curls fell over his forehead, his muscular, tattooed arms leaning back against the table, and his sparkling, green eyes.  

He looked up, and a small smirk spread across his face. I suddenly realized I was staring, and quickly stepped into the the restroom, my cheeks a hot shade of red.

I stepped in front of the mirror, ruffling my long, wavy brown hair and staring back at my reflection. I looked exhausted. I was exhausted. I unzipped my purse and pulled out my phone, sending a text to Allie, one of the friends who dragged me here-

Headed out. Meet for coffee on thursday?  

Xx Kate

I adjusted my dress once more, holding my phone as I waited for Allie's reply.

The door opened, and someone walked in. I glanced up from my phone, and in the mirror saw the same boy I was staring at just minutes ago, his seductive smirk spreading wider. I whirled around to face him, my eyes widening. His confidence was intimidating.

"Wha-what are you-" I stuttered.  

He caught my arms, steadying me, only to grab my thighs and hoist me up onto the sink. His hands still holding my legs, he forced his lips against mine, catching me off guard. I was shocked at his actions. My phone slipped from my fingers and clattered to the floor. He gently bit my lower lip, waiting for a response. When I didn't give him one, he slowly released my lips and pulled away, breathing heavily and taking a step back.

He begin mumbling, "I-I'm...I'm sorry I...I just saw you and...and I-"

I snaked my legs around his waist, pulling him back towards me and wrapping my arms around his neck and fisting his thick curls. I pulled his lips to mine, this time catching him off guard. He hesitantly kissed me back, he lips moving perfectly against mine. He wrapped his strong, muscular arms around my back, my legs tightening around his waist as he picked me up, forcing my body against the bathroom door. My legs slipped off of his hips, sliding back down to the ground.

My fingers released his curls, my hands sliding down his muscular torso.

Our lips pulled apart, much to my disliking.

He kissed the corner of my mouth, then sucking gently on my jawline, leaving a trail of wet kisses all the way down my neck.

I closed my eyes, not wanting him to stop.

He pulled away slightly, his hot breath hitting my skin.

"Should we......take this back to-"

"Yes", I breathed heavily.

He took a step back, his curls brushing my cheek. Without a word he grabbed my wrist, his arms flexing as he pulled open the bathroom door. He yanked me out, pulling me towards the exit of the club. He was moving quickly, dragging me along behind him.

"Wait-" I yelled over the music.

I pulled away, his large hand letting go of my wrist. I ran back to the restroom, grabbing my phone off the ground and tucking it safely into my purse before rushing back to this handsome stranger waiting for me. Already I missed the taste of his lips on my own.

There he was. As if on cue, my heart began thumping even faster in my chest. He swung the heavy door open, following behind me as I stepped out into the cold night air.


Since I went with my friends to the club, we took a cab back to my apartment.

Once outside my door, I fiddled with my keys in the lock as he slid his arms around my waist from behind, leaving kisses all over my neck and jawline.

I unlocked the door, stepping inside.

I dropped my keys as he slammed the door shut and advanced forward, towering over me. He roughly pinned me against the wall, hitting my head. I didn't care.

His lips were forced against mine, sucking on my lips. I moaned as his tongue entered my mouth. I slipped my purse off my shoulder, letting it hit the floor.

In one swift motion he ripped off my jacket, throwing it behind him as I kicked off my shoes, my lips still pressed firmly against his.

His arms slipped down to my thighs, easily lifting me off of my feet as I twisted my legs around his hips. My hands gripped his cheeks, wrinkling his skin as I tried desperately to keep his lips to mine. I didn't want him to stop.

He carried me down the dark hallway until he found my bedroom. He kicked open the door, then slammed it shut with his foot. I released my grip as he effortlessly tossed me onto the bed, the mattress bouncing.

I watched him bite his lower lip as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt.

Climbing to the edge of the bed, I grabbed his shirt and ripped it off, sending buttons flying. I tried my best not to gawk at his abs. His mouth curved upwards, revealing his dimples.

I giggled as he advanced forward once more, his sexy smirk growing wider as I scooted further back onto the soft bed.

He unzipped his pants, then dropped them to his feet, standing in his boxers. He stepped forward, climbing onto the bed until he was hovering over me.

He leaned down, his curls tickling my nose as he kissed me softly on the lips.

He slowly unzipped my dress.

I couldn't take it any longer.

I swung my bare legs over his lower back, pulling him down on top of me. I needed to taste his lips.

He chuckled to himself before swooping in and forcing his soft, plump lips against my own.

He took my breath away. The way his lips felt. The way they tasted. How they fit perfectly with mine.

I moaned, tightly fisting his curls in one hand, and digging my nails into his back with the other.

He pulled away slightly, the two of us breathing heavily.

He reached underneath me, fiddling with my bra until it snapped open. He tossed it off the bed, leaving my breasts completely exposed.

He slid off his boxers, along with my panties.


Hey guys! This is a new book I'm starting, I have a lot of it planned out already so I hope you all like it!

Please vote and comment! I would love any suggestions on how to improve or any ideas you would like me to incorporate into the story.

Love you all!

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