Chapter 2

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Kate's P.O.V


He rolled off of me, his chest heaving as he caught his breath.

I pulled the thin sheet over my bare, shivering body. He laid down next to me, resting his head on one of the pillows.

We made awkward smalltalk. Kissing him felt easy and natural. Like I had known him for years.

But now, laying here next to him, I had no idea what to do or what to say. I felt completely vulnerable.

So we just laid there, staring at the ceiling.

Finally he sat up. Climbing out of bed, as if in a hurry, he began dressing.

"I should go...", he said quietly, sending me a sorry look as he pulled his boxers on.

I tried to say something. I didn't know what to say but I had to say something.

I know this was just a hookup.

I know this was a mistake.

I was vulnerable, in a bad place. Left feeling alone because of my past relationship.

I know I'll regret sleeping with him. I don't even know his name!

But I didn't want him to leave me. Not like my brother did. Not like my boyfriend did. Not like my dad did. For once I wanted someone to stay. Maybe I'm just drunk. But I feel alive when I'm with him. I couldn't let that feeling walk away.

"Wait-" I blurted. I clutched the thin sheet around my body as I jumped out of bed.

He looked up from fiddling with his belt buckle, confused. His eyes burned holes through mine, waiting for me to continue.

I stared into his bright green eyes, trying to find the right words.

"Please don't go..." I whispered.

His frowned slightly, still confused. He should be. I felt pathetic. We just hooked up. Why did I just ask him to stay? You don't ask a one night stand to stay and cuddle! He must think I'm and idiot.

My life is a mess. I guess you could say I have abandonment issues. My mother died when I was just a child. Car accident. No warning. No goodbye. My dad left my brother and I a year later. Just disappeared. We went to live with a foster family. He ran away when he was 15. I still don't know where he is. Maybe with my dad. I switched around homes all through high school. no one wanted an insecure, quiet teenage girl for long. I got an apartment as soon as I was 18. And my boyfriend left me less than a month ago. But that is a whole other story. A story I haven't told anyone. A story I'll never tell anyone. I am too ashamed.

Tears streamed silently down my face.

He had made he way through the dark, back to the bed where I stood, quietly sobbing.

He stood there, studying me, before gently sitting on the edge of the bed. He took both of my small hands in his, gently tugging until I sat in his lap, straddling his legs.

"Why are you crying?" He asked gently, his voice full of concern, his eyes never leaving mine.

I didn't answer.

He wrapped his muscular arms tightly around me, pulling me into his warm, unclothed chest. I snuggled my face into his shoulder, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck.

"I cant tell you." I barely whispered.

He eased his way back to the middle of the bed, lowering himself until he was lying down, his arms still tightly around me. I let go of my neck and slid my arms around his torso, soaking up his warmth.

I placed my head against his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. My eyes grew heavy.

"You're beautiful, you know that?"

His gentle voice hummed into my ear.

I smiled softly through my tears as I drifted off to sleep.



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