Chapter 6

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Kate's POV 


I couldn't call him.

It would just be too weird. I found a yellow pages, flipping through and finding his name. Harry...Styles, right?

I scribbled down his address and slipped the scrap of paper into my pocket.

I showered, even though it was late afternoon, dressing in a white, knee length lacy dress. I gave my hair some natural looking waves with my curler. Then I applied a bit of black eyeliner, along with a few coats of mascara.

Maybe I was overdoing it, but I needed to look nice. Today was I big deal. I was going to tell him. I didn't want to, but I knew I had to.


I stepped out of the taxi, slamming the door and staring at the small apartment in front of me. My heart was beating like a drum and I began to feel light headed.

I must of stood outside his house for 20 minutes. I couldn't walk up the front steps. What if he gets mad? What if he makes me get rid of it? Or says its not his? No, no it has to be his. He's the only person I've been with since...since my ex.

I paced back and forth, shredding the piece of paper his address was written on. The sun, already going down, warmed my skin while I stepped up to his front door. I slowly raised my hand, knocking quietly several times, my heart speeding up.

No answer.

Maybe he isn't home. I sighed with relief. I turned around, walking down the front walk.

"Can I help you?"

My heart stopped. I turned around, my eyes widening.

He was standing in the doorway, his boxers hanging low off his hips. His muscular arms were crossed over his bare chest. His hair was slightly messy, and he squinted his eyes against the quickly fading sun.

I took a tiny step towards him. 


I couldn't find the words. His eyes widened, seeing it was me. We stood in silence for what seemed like forever.

I took another small step forward. "I...uhm...I needed to talk to you." I said quietly.

"Erm, okay...uh, I'm Harry." He said awkwardly.


I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know how he'll react. Hundreds of thoughts raced through my head, picturing all the things that could go wrong. My eyes were watering, tears threatening to spill out at any moment. He stepped closer, a concerned look washed over his face.

"D-Do you wanna come in?"

I shook my head.

I sniffed, wiping my eyes. I took a deep breath. "I'm pregnant." Tears silently streamed down my face. I struggled to clear my eyes to see his reaction.

He froze.

"What?" He ran his tongue across his lips, then biting his lower lip.  

"Are...are you sure?"

I nodded.

He took a deep breath, turning around so his back was to me. His fingers combed through his hair. He covered his face in his hands, cursing to himself before picking up a large flower pot and hurling it at the wall, shattering it. Dirt spilled everywhere.

He suddenly turned around, his eyes darkening.

I stumbled back, terrified, protecting my face with my shaking arms. "Please don't hit me." Hundreds of memories came flooding back to be. Memories that have haunted me since my last relationship. How he yelled at me, hit me, used me, leaving me with physical and emotional scars.

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