Chapter 14

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Harry's warm hand wrapped around mine as he lead me through the windy parking lot towards his car. It was only 3:00, but I'd called Jenna and she practically forced me not to come back to work upon finding out I was on a 'date'. She was quite fond of Harry, for some reason.

I thought we were just going to lunch as friends. We had become fairly good friends, Harry and I. I guess I've forgiven him, I don't know. It's hard to stay mad at Harry for long. I thought back to our fight, where I'd yelled at him. I frowned as I remembered the hurt look on his face when I told him how alone I felt. Since then he's been different. Closer. Protective, almost. Texting, calling, checking in on me constantly. It was something I have never experienced before.

I squeezed Harry's hand slightly as the wind whipped my hair around. It was summer, but it seemed to be getting closer to fall every day. Harry's eyes met mine for just a moment, his thumb brushing over mine. This simple gesture made me blush.

I climbed up into the passenger seat as Harry closed my door, walking around and getting into his side. Date. I couldn't get that word to leave my head. The car was started before we pulled out of the parking lot. The thought of Harry being more than a friend scared me. I looked over at him, studying his features. His sparkling, green eyes focused ahead of him as he drove steadily on. My eyes trailed down his nose to his lips; plump and pink. And lastly, his chin, gently curving outward from his face.

I chewed my lip, prying my eyes away as I turned and leaned against the window. Did Harry want to be more than what we are? No, he couldn't. Someone like him wouldn't want someone as messed up as me. I watched the world fly by, and before long, we had pulled up outside my small apartment. I turned my attention back towards Harry. "Thanks for...taking me out."

He just smiled. I pushed open my door, my feet hitting the ground as it was slammed shut. But before I could take control of my actions, I found myself twirling around and knocking on the window. It was immediately rolled down as Harry leaned forward slightly.

"Do you want to come in?" I asked shyly, glancing at my feet.

He replied with a cheeky grin, showing off his dimples.


I pulled my legs up onto the couch to make room for Harry as he sat down next to me. I took a bite of the Hawaiian pizza we'd ordered earlier. We had sat around for hours, doing nothing but talking. It was getting dark already. The tv was on but I wasn't paying attention. I watched quietly as Harry bit into his pizza.

Half-way through a slice, I had to put it down. My stomach burned with nausea and my head throbbed at the sight of the greasy pizza.


His head was turned, his green eyes connecting with mine in the dim light.

"I'm three months pregnant."

He stared back at me, his eyes holding a questioning look.

"And we've hardly talked about it." Tears welled up in my eyes as I thought about how quickly the last three months have gone by and how in just a few more short months, I'll be giving birth to a baby. It's not that I'm a sensitive person, I'm not. In fact, I'm probably the least emotional person you'll ever know. But I can't control these hormones anymore. I feel like I cry at everything.

Harry set his plate down, turning towards me completely. "So lets talk about it."

"Okay...a while ago you mentioned Adoptions USA...I've been researching them and you're right, I think they're the ones to go with." I said slowly, inhaling deeply.

"But it isn't that simple. We have to pick a family and that's a pretty long process..." I exhaled, chewing my lip.

"Well we still have...what, six months?" Harry smiled reassuringly.

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