Chapter 17

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My tired eyes peeled open, immediately met by the bright rays of sun dancing around the room.

I felt my lips curl into the softest smile as the baby pushed her way around my belly, excited for a new day, perhaps.

Suddenly my phone burst into its quite annoying ringtone, and for the umpteenth time, I shut it off.

Jenna's been calling me. A lot. Ever since Harry left. I guess she's worried about me or something. I sort of haven't left my apartment in a week. It's been two or three since Harry left, who knows. I couldn't care less. (Or at least, thats what I've been trying to convince myself).

Deciding there is absolutely no way I could go back to sleep with this dance party in my belly, I forced my bloated body out of bed. It's almost noon. Still too early to be up, in my opinion.

I made my way to the kitchen, pulling open the fridge and taking a bite of cold, leftover pizza.

"Mmm, pizza again," I said sarcastically to my round belly, feeling baby kick. Since she doesn't have a name, I've just been calling her "Baby." Creative, huh?

I lazily moved through the hallway, swallowing the last of the pizza and groaning as my phone went off again. It was the agency. They won't leave me alone, either. Personally, I think they need to relax. So what I haven't chosen a family for the baby yet? I still have a few months. It's no big deal. I'll get to it.

My body flopped down onto the couch, the cushion sinking in under my weight. I switched on the tv, flipping through the same old boring channels.

I finally settled on a cooking show, my mouth watering at all the delicious foods it featured.

I watched as the woman prepared a fancy, creamy looking pasta.

"I bet you'd like that," I spoke softly to my belly, rubbing my hand in small circles over the bump.

My phone rang once more, so I turned down the volume on the tv before finally picking up.

"What?" I snarled.

"Kate?! Are you okay? Where have you been? I've been worried sick!"

"I'm fine." I said emotionlessly.

"Okay, good. Are you, um, coming to work?"

"Doubt it."

"Kate, its noon. You should've been here hours ago."

"Sorry, I've been busy."

Jenna sighed loudly into the phone. "If you aren't here in an hour you're fired."

I clenched my teeth together, rolling my eyes. "And I thought we were friends."

"We are friends, Kate," she pleaded, "but I'm also your boss. You can't leave me with all this work by myself, and I can't pay you if you don't come in. I know you need the money, since Harry was the one paying the hospital bills-"



"Don't. Don't say his name. I just want him out of my life, got it?"

Jenna's voice softened. "Please just come to work." I hung up without saying goodbye, muttering insults all the way to the bathroom.

The hot water felt amazing on my achy body. I gently massaged shampoo into my hair before rinsing my body and drying off. I dressed in baggy sweats and a loose fitting T-shirt, throwing my hair up into a ponytail before making my way out the door.

The little bell above the door rang as I trudged into the daycare.

Jeremy toddled around while kids fought over toys, babies screamed in their cribs and the preschoolers smeared finger paint in each others hair.

I guess I really am needed here.

Jenna hurried over, a concerned look crossing her face as she looked me up and down. "You look terrible,"she frowned.

"Really? I feel great," I shot back at her.

She sighed, pushing her messy hair out of her eyes. "Have you heard from Harry? At all?"

I glared at her. "Oh yeah, we chat all the time."

Jeremy interrupted our stare-down, wrapping his tiny hand around my finger and tugging me away. I gladly followed.

Four exhausting hours later, we were finished. I waved goodbye to the last few children on their way out the door, and ruffled Jeremy's soft curls before making my way home, too.

The cab stunk of beer, and I brushed some old Cheetos off the seat as I payed the driver, before gladly getting out of that nauseating ride.

Before long I had collapsed into bed, sighing tiredly as I cradled my belly. A rare, sincere smile crept up my lips as I bathed in this peaceful moment before a loud knock interrupted it.

I opened the door to find a medium sized box addressed to my house. Hmm, no return address?

Peeling off the tape and prying the box open is when my heart skipped a beat. Folded neatly at the bottom was a tiny, pink onesie along with a matching hat and blanket. A small note stood gently on top. I unfolded it, letting three one-hundred dollar bills slip out into the table.


I hardly know where to start. I know I can never make up for leaving. I don't expect you to understand my intentions, let alone forgive me. But please know that I care about you deeply, and I would never want to hurt you.

I know this isn't much, but it is all I have for now. I'll send more soon.

I miss you, Harry

I was furious, and heartbroken. Dialing quickly through my tears, almost ashamed I knew his number by heart, I stood sniffling as the call went to voicemail.

"Harry, if you think some baby blanket and cash is gonna make up for what you did, you're wrong." I choked back a sob. "Stay away Harry, you hear me? If I ever see you again, I'll, I'll....."

I had nothing left to say. I broke down for the first time since he had left, hanging up the phone and letting my quiet sobs fill the empty room.


SORRY!!!!!! It's been like forver since an update.

I'm going through a LOT of stuff and I've just been to stressed out to write, you know?

Sort of a filler chapter.

I was also thinking about just deleting Alone all together because I feel like no one really likes this book and no one is noticing it.

But 3.9K reads?! Thats a lot when you think about it, and I could never delete Alone.

Please comment and vote. It seriously motivates me to write when I see your reaction or read your comments or the votes go up.

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