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I was so lost in my thoughts that I don't know when I left the book store and went home with Bhola Bhaiya(Driver)

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I was so lost in my thoughts that I don't know when I left the book store and went home with Bhola Bhaiya(Driver). All the while my mind was stuck with his one word(stranger) and all the memories hits me back hard. Everyone, every single person who knows me knew about my silly crush over him, what they don't know is I am still crushing over him. He was just opposite of what he is right now. He was my sunshine man, who use to smile brightly. His smile could brighten up your darkest of days. At least mine did. When I had no one but my dad and my books by my side, his smile was one thing that made my day. I wasn't alone at that time. His best friend Siddharth? He was my best friend too. He was a dumb in English & literature, I on other hand was finding difficulties in some other subjects. So we helped each other out and before we know, we were best friends. But He never introduced me to Aaditya because he already had serious girlfriend at that time. Sid allowed me to admire Aaditya from afar but also made sure I wasn't hurting in the process. I don't know what happened but after my boards he disappeared. I just don't know where he is now. I hate him now though. Knowing about my situation, he shouldn't have left without informing. I was literally all alone, Sid broke my trust because when I asked his other friends about it, they taunted me said as his best friend I should be the one informing everyone about his disappearance. But I didn't dared to go to Aaditya neither did he came to let me know.

Fast forward a year and half later, in 2nd year of my college in Harvard, I found Kai Williams as a good companion. We were great friends, language barrier didn't seemed to matter between us. He used come to Mumbai with me in vacations. But he also left after graduation. It wasn't his fault completely, after graduation I didn't find my solace in business as I used to and he became one of the top most youngest CEO in world. He stands at 4th place in top five, as much as I'm proud of him I am mad at him for forgetting me just like this -like I never existed. My dad too is one of the Billionaire with big B of the world. If he wanted, he would've given me bodyguard who could look after me and my problems but dad chose to do that himself. Dad had this little wish of me running our company AaiRa Elites -named after my and my mom's name Naira- after him and I had an urge to fulfill his wish. But I lost interest at last. When I told Dad about this he didn't seemed to mind a bit. He gave all the freedom to choose my carrier. He is the best dad anyone could ever ask for. My dad loves me, I was nine when my mum died due to cancer and since this me and dad have no one but each other to call as family. That's why it fucking hurts when someone enters in my life, makes space for themselves just to leave at last.

I took a long break in all over India, visiting galleries, museums and did a lot of adventure to find my interest. In all this time from my school days to my end of my adventure I used to write journals about my experience and how feel and just everything. One day I opened it from the first and boom, all the while my carrier had been all along with me in my backpack, no matter where I was. I wanted to be a author. I just wanted some more creative time, so my long break turned into 2 years adventure break. But I didn't used my dad's money always. I used work in cafes and bookstore and library to seek experience and earn something. Although it was one of the best time of my life, I used to feel alone at the end of the day, knowing there was not a single person I can call a real friend, tell him/her about my day, passion, work, vacations, etc. I have my dad but being the CEO of AaiRa Elites(one of the successful clothing brand in world) he's very busy sometimes, it's difficult for us to talk everyday.

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