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Conditions? Rules? Like it's what some game? Rules and conditions applied type of? Idiot

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Conditions? Rules? Like it's what some game? Rules and conditions applied type of? Idiot. "Tujhse baat kar raha hai." Siddhu shakes me a little. "What conditions?" My voice came out more rough and rude than intended. "Aap bataiye, aapko karni hai shaadi?" He asks. Siddhu laughs beside me. Like a real laugh. "Tu..tu kisko puch raha wo to dekh.." I smack him my elbow. "Shut up. And you tell me Aaditya what rules and conditions?" I asked as I stand and sit straight on sofa. "There is a reason I agreed to meet you or you a say the girl my dad looked for me. There are only two things I care and respect for. My family and my work. My dadu had made a will for me and my dad before dying. Dad will not just give the position to anyone when he wishes to retire. Siddharth get the fuck out of here first of all." He orders Siddhu and to my surprise he compiles. He takes a sit beside me not maintaining much distance and turns to me. "So yeah...I had to prove how capable I am, for almost 4 years I'm doing that. I had to prove how serious I was, how much I wanted this company to maintain it's position and power, I had prove how worthy I am for the position and for the company. And when I thought that finally I am fulfilling my duties and fucking finally I'll have the company for which I've given my blood sweat and sleepless nights my dad told me that to show how responsible I am, I will have to get married. I will have to have my own family. Then and then only I'll get the position. I have the money to start my own business but I don't want to because I have given everything to my company for four fucking years and I can't just let it go. I don't give two fucks about other's thing but if it's mine, no one can take it." He said everything in on go and by the time finishing it his hair was in his fist, clenching it hard.

(He's talking to you.)

(You tell, do you want to get married.)

"So that's why you want to marry me?" I asked taking in all the information. It's okay if this is the reason, I mean he'd be my husband. We will be husband and wife and by the time we will develop mutual understanding for each other. "That's why I am marrying anyone who will be willing to just marry me and will expect nothing from this marriage. I don't how dad reached you but he said that you will understand and-" I cut him off "They know that I will agree to this not expecting anything from you thing?" I asked raising my voice a little. According to dad, if they already know about feelings for their son then they should not come to me. How can they? "No they don't. They just thinks that I will agree to marry you because you already like me and will understand my situation. You will agree to be my wife as soon as possible. Before I turn 30, which will be in 22 months from now. Dad said it will take almost 2 years for board member to believe that I am responsible and worthy for the position. I am proposing this no expectations from marriage thing to you, so you won't get hurt if I'm not being the husband you are expecting me to be behind the four walls of my room at my parent's place or at my place." He explains. Ohh..so they don't know....wait a minute. So I am not having a husband. "I am having a fake husband?" I asked out loud. "Yeah, exactly that. In return I will give you whatever you want. Money, some connections to good publishing companies, I can open a publishing for you if you want. Whatever." He says. 

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