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(Whatsaap group, created by Siddharth. Including, Rahul, Siddharth and Aaditya.)

AADITYA : Did you gave her my number?

I texted Siddhath as I finished my shower after dinner.

ASSHOLE : Did she already texted? I told her wait until I inform you.

Fucker. Asshole. How many times do I have to remind him to not to do it without my permission. It's first time he did that. Asshole. My inner voice cursed.

AADITYA : It was a yes no question and you had to ask me first. Asshole.

ASSHOLE : Do not call me that.

MOTHERFUCKER : Wow, now we can't call an Asshole an Asshole. Btw what did he do now?

What the hell he's doing here now!!

AADITYA : Rahul, I thought I gave you some work, why are you still on your phone?

MOTHERFUCKER : When you have this Asshole here, then why do you need ME to do a background check on her? Ask him, he'll give you whatever you want. You can ask me too, we meet on every Bhaidooj and Rakshabandhan. And we are Frenemies.

ASSHOLE : You are still in touch with her after all those years? Last I checked you made her cry by giving her one you infamous and wanted reality checks, which was again a decade ago. *half smirk emoji*

Cry? He made Maira cry? When? Shut up. Focus.

AADITYA : Do you have it or not? Otherwise I have other option.

MOTHERFUCKER : If you are thinking about Raghu, forget it he knows better than to mess with my matters and he already knows she's like my sister. Yes I did it, if you were wondering.

 Fucking fine.

AADITYA : 'Mail me. Now.

MOTHERFUCKER : Nah, your mails are hacked. I'll tell you right here. Bring your phone tomorrow, I'll need check it all. Do not use your search engine and Gmail for today. Bring your phone to me first thing in the morning tomorrow. 

Fuck! It's not new, when you've enemies this happens a lot.

MOTHERFUCKER : Yeah and thing about the background check. Rest assured she's no threat, do not have direct indirect connection to you enemies but yeah direct connections to Harvad. She's super close with Kai Williams or once was. As of 3 years they have lost complete contact. She was topper in Harvard. Anything else?

Thank fuck. Otherwise I would've to wait for a life time for the information.

AADITYA : What about past relationships?

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