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"So Mr.Taneja what you are saying is, we need a PA right now, right?" I asked trying to be calm. 95% of the time I calm. Calmer. The calmest. But then there is 5% of the time people never forgets to piss me. I am living that 5% of the life right now. "Yes, Amaira." The man in his late 40 says politely. Although I doubt politeness is one thing in his blood. "Mam or Miss Raghuvanshi, in case you forgot that's what you call your boss." I said matching his tone. He knows politeness is one thing in me right now. He gives a curt nod. "And I am here to interview them?" I confirmed. "Yes." He nodded again. This man!! "Let me remind you Mr. Taneja, I don't run this company, I will not be the one bossing him/her around and when there is more experienced team than me available why the hel -why would I will be interviewing them? Can you care to explain?" I asked trying to be calm. Key word: trying. He frowned at me and then composed himself. "Well uhh Sir said that you'll be interviewing them. The interviewees are the company's new employees. And for the record he/she will be coming with you to mumbai. I've heard earlier and informed last night that while Sir is abroad, you handle the business here. Sir's old PA resigned a day before and Sir couldn't interview them himself for some important work. He asked me to make you comfortable here." He explained.

Fine now along with Kabir I'll be having another one to piss me off. Sighing heavily I agreed to Mr.Taneja and interviews begin. After 10th interview I was sure everyone from the company was passing their time so they can skip their work for the day. Mr.Taneja excused himself long ago, maybe after second interview. Irritatedly I dialed receptionist's number "Bring a coffee first Avika." I said and hanged up. After a minute there was knock. "Come in." Avika came and gave me coffee. We chatted for a bit and she left. I told her to let the interviewees after a min. I took a deep breath and turned in my seat to have good view through the glass wall. Sipping my coffee I hear a knock again. "Come in." I said and turned. A man with broad shoulder and chest, face that clearly states 'I don't joke, I don't smile, don't take me lightly.' He is a handsome man there's no denying in it but if I wasn't whipped by a devil in disguise kind of man I would've surely liked him like that. "Hello, I'm Krish Agnihotri." He says although I can see it in all of him that he is clearly not interested in this. I took file from him "You may sit." I said. He does remaining his composure. As I scan his file something catches my eyes. "You're not a employee here?" I ask looking up at him from my profile.

"He didn't told you?" He said sounding pissed. "Who he?" I asked. Now I am concerned. Who is he? "Kabir, recommended me here." He said like he's embarrassed. For what? "Okay, no worries." I said because it's Kabir can do anything he wants and I won't stop him. Ever. "So you'll have to be specific as we know that Kabir has dumped you. Tell me one thing, are friends with him?" I said because as much as I know Kabir, being friends with someone is hard. Too hard. "Although I regret every minute of my life for being friends with him yes I am his friend." He says and for the first time in last few minutes I can see the emotion of every word he said. Oh Kabir! "Okay, do you know who I am?" I asked because again, being friends is not what Kabir does. "Yes I am crtain about your relations with each other and I am told not to mention that at any cost." He said. "Okay fine, moving back to the topic, you don't look like you need a job and considering your qualifications, I don't think being someone's PA is what you'd like. And another suspicious thing, you are Vishal Agnihotri's son. With whom our company does not share good relations, if that make sense." I said. "Yeah I am Vishal Agnihotri's son and I don't know if you'll trust me but we're on rough patch since as long as I can remember. It's something personal I can't share but I can say one thing, if by any chance you decide to give me this job, you have my utmost loyalty." He said with all the confidence he have. We discussed few things for awhile and at the end of the meeting, he was my PA until dad fly back to Mumbai.


"Okay Krish, we're done for the day. So tell me how was it? Exhausting?" I asked as I leaned back in my seat. "It was okay I mean it wasn't exhausting. But I am suspicous about Kundra." He said rolling the paper weight and in deeep thought. "Yeah I know." I said. He stops his actions and looks at me. "Okay he is suspicious but I don't have anything against him yet." I explained. "So what? We can't let him his way with us." He said. We both leaned in chair sighing. "I'll do something about it." He said after a minute. "What something?" I raised an eyebrow. "Kabir is really my friend Amaira, I know you're not so innocent like you put up." He said raising his eyebrow. Okay, Kabir is a traitor. "For your information, I am the one who looks up to your  devices since last year. I know hacking, stalking and all the other InTech illegal facilities like you do." He said shrugging off. See, there was a reason Kabir sent him. I just told him last about some misuses of company funds and here he got me a solution. "Okay, do something but be careful." I said because there's no use to argue. A day with him have taught me that much. "We are off for the day btw." I said half yawning. There's no one else in the office other than security. "Yeah, so I will see you tomorrow?" He said and in last 2 days it's his second time showing an emotion. "I thoutgh I was annoying." I said remembering how he casually said I annoy the fuck out him while having lunch today. "Yeah you still do that's why I am asking." He said gaining his stoic nature back. "Yeah yeah whatever makes you sleep." I said and grabbed my phone. "Now move your ass, it's 10 in the night." I said taking out the key from drawer. He shakes his head and gets up. "Don't forget to have dinner." He said as I locked the office. "Dinner is the only thing I can see everywhere. What are you going to have?" I said as we walked to elevator.

"Don't know was thinking about grabbing a drink." He said punching the ground floor button. "Okay, well you can join me for dinner if you want." I offered. "No you are too annoying for my peace." He said politely. "Okay, it was mistake to let you causal with me." I said sounding offended but I am not. He's my age and I don't want him to call me mam or Ms.Raghuvansh. "It was your call, I was okay with behaving politely, you said you are not okay with that." he said as we marched out of the office. "You are in-" Words struck in my thought at the sight before me. Aaditya Malhotra leaning freely on his car right outside my office in his office attire. Oh Hell! I am jammed on my place and Krish turns to me. "What happened, you alright?" He asks and then looks at where my eyes are struck. And I don't know why but his shoulders are stiff again and he stands right in front of me, his back facing me. "Can I help you?" His voice cold as ice. Oh fuck he doesn't think my Aadi is threat, right? Fucking hell!!!


हाय सताये, मनाये, सताये
तू रुलाये, हँसाए भी तू ही
हमसाये, हर दूरी शरमाये
तू साथ है, हो दिन रात है
परछाईयाँ बतलाये
तू साथ है, हो दिन रात है
साया साया माही वे, माही वे
मेरी सब राज़, कल-आज तू है
माही वे, माही वे
मेरी हर उड़ान एक तू
माही वे... माही वे...

Now who's Kabir? New character Krish? It gives me Alex's vibes. What is going to happen next? And oh my god!! He thinks Aadi is threat? What will my Aadi will do? Wait, why he's here? Oh hell, what is happeneing??

Byee. Enjoyy.

𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐘Where stories live. Discover now