Chapter 1

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To think that today marks two years since I fled my home. Gods, how my life has changed.

On the morning of my eighteenth birthday, I did not think I would be running from my home that very night, at my own birthday celebration. But I had no choice.

The night that I fled, I certainly didn't predict I'd be spending my twentieth birthday scouting a rooftop at midnight, watching the people that enter into Terez's.

Terez's is a bar, one that specifically caters towards criminals and Supernatural. However the alcohol – the very watered down alcohol – they sell isn't their main attraction. The fighting club below is. Despite his bar being neutral territory, it gives Supernatural's and excuse to harm – or kill – each other with no consequences.

That fighting club has been my sole source of income over the last year. When Trezes found me, I had been running from town to town. I was desperate, dirty and hungry. So when he offered me a home above his bar and a meal twice a day, I took it, no questions asked.

And there were questions I definitely should have asked.

Yet here I am, a notorious assassin. Yet I'm sitting atop a roof on door duty. When Terez told me, I laughed. I thought he was joking. He wasn't.

My legs went numb three hours ago and my shoulder is starting to ache from the rifle leaning against it.

My ears prick up suddenly, picking up the sound of footsteps from behind me. Moments later a dewy scent fills my senses and I internally roll my eyes.

"You're going to need to try harder if you want to sneak up on me, Penson." I say, my voice just loud enough for him to hear.

He curses then his footsteps get heavier as he stops hiding and walks over to me.

Penson was another Fae that Terez took in, though it was years before me. We're now his two best assassins.

"Terez said for me to take over." He grumbles and I fight the urge to sigh in relief. "What did you do to earn a rooftop scout?"

"Nothing I know of." I shrug, standing up. I shake my legs out and step away, handing him the rifle. He takes it and moves to the spot I'd been occupying for the last few hours.

"He wants to talk to you," He adds, "He seemed angry."

"He's always angry." I scoff and he shakes his head.

"Not like this." He says and I groan.

"There's been absolutely no interesting or suspicious activity so far," I tell him as he slings the rifle over his shoulder. "Have fun."

He mumbles a thanks but I'm already walking away.

I climb down the roof – Terez removed its ladder – and jump the last few meters down, landing quietly on my feet.

There's a reason I'm a well-known assassin and the best in my field. Terez must have seen potential in me because he begun to teach me everything he knew. I owe a lot to him, and I think he knows it.

I pull the hood of my cloak over my head before exiting the alley. I cross the road and nod at the guard standing in front of the door, showing him the capital 'T' tattooed on my wrist. He steps aside and lets me through.

The stench of sweat and weak alcohol reaches me the minute I step through the door. The music of the club sounds around me, so loud I can feel it thumping in my chest.

I move around the outside of the busy dancefloor, the people occupying it paying no attention to me as I pass. There are groups of people, all in different states of undress, grinding against each other.

As I push through the red curtains beside the bar the music slowly dies away. I walk down the long hallway, past the private rooms until I get to the end. There's a large wooden door in front of me and I knock on it, two firm, quick raps.

"Enter." Terez says and I push the door open.

He's sitting at his desk shirtless. There's a blonde girl draped over one of his legs, her long red nails dragging along his bare chest. Her lips are on his neck and his hands are fondling her naked breasts.

He looks at me as I walk in and grins. "Hello, my assassin." He says, followed by a moan. He motions me forward and I take a few steps towards him. I'm close enough now to see a brunette girl on her knees before him, her mouth closing over his dick.

He removes a hand from the blonde girls breast and pushes it over his head. I fight the urge to roll my eyes as I flip my hood off.

"Beautiful." He says, though he isn't looking at me, his gaze on the brunette at his hips.

This is a scene I'm quite used to. Terez is very open about his sexual experiences. Like most Fae, he certainly doesn't shy away from a crowd.

"Have you spoken to my son lately?" He asks, his gaze returning to me and I shake my head. "Pity."

He doesn't hide the fact he wants me and his son to be... involved. But I have met his son and he is a foul Human. He looks down on everyone and has slept with almost all of the other female assassins. Of course, there are only three others here. how they fell for his faked charm I will never know.

He is not even an attractive man, so I believe they only slept with him to gain the attention from Terez. Which was clearly unsuccessful.

"No matter," He continues, toying with the blondes nipples, "I have had a request to fight you in the ring."

My brows raise. There used to be hundreds of requests when I first got sent to the rings. Apparently plenty of people wanted the chance to beat a young girl to the brink of death. Though once my Fae powers began to kick in and I finished my opponents in mere minutes, my requests to a fight decreased and eventually stopped.

"Not you specifically, but my best fighter, which I suppose is you." He says, and I fight a grin. That's the closest I've gotten to Terez admitting I'm his best fighter. "So tonight you will be competing in ring A."

Ring A is the main ring. It's where the most gruesome fights happen and where the most betting happens.

"Your shift starts at 10 and your fight is schedules for 12." He says as he brings his spare hand to the brunette and grabs a fist full of her hair. I've grown accustomed to this sight in his office that I don't bat an eye anymore. "After that you're to go to Shaw's, there's talk of drugs and I want it stopped."

Terez owns the biggest illegal underground fighting ring yet he draws that lines at drugs. That always shocks me.

"After that, you can have the rest of the night off and prepare yourself for the meeting tomorrow." He says, "Someone's paying me big money to have you kill someone, so you'd better be there or there will be consequences."

I force myself to not react in any other way except for a nod. I fight down the shiver at the thought of

"You can go." He says with a nod, his fingers moving from the blondes nipples and trailing downwards.

I turn around and quickly walk out before I see anything more. I feel bad for the girls he chooses. He's an older man, in his mid-sixties at least, but all some girls see is power and wealth. 


Published - 4/4/2024

Word Count - 1299

As always, don't forget to click the star and comment because I love reading every one of your comments, it makes me so happy.

Love always,

Brie <3

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