Chapter 13

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I don't think the truth serum actually had any effect on me.

Most of the stuff I told them was true, apart from the part about my mother. I do know what she is. But for some reason the truth serum allowed me to lie.

Not that I'd ever tell them that their truth serum is faulty.

"Now that you and Calli are okay, we're going back to the Palace." Zaid announces.

After they finished interrogating me for the second time they sent me upstairs to check on Calli, clearly needing to have a conversation between themselves.

If I'm being honest, I'm grateful for the opportunity to go to whatever bootcamp Darcy was talking about. It will likely be in an isolated location so I don't have to worry about Terez or any of his men finding me.

Because he has certainly put a hit on me. And if I'm bought back to him alive, I know that I'll be wishing I were dead. But he's told me too many things to keep me alive. If I escaped once, I'll be able to do it again.

With what I could cost him, I know he'll have put a bounty out for my death. And I guarantee that the reward money will be my money. By now, he will have had my room tossed. All my earnings will be gone.

"Do you need to get anything from your place before we leave?" Calli asks me and I shake my head.

"If I'm seen there, I'll be killed. Besides, nothing I kept there was important." I tell her. It would have been too easy for someone to break into my room so I hid all my important belongings in my pocket of the world where no one could steal anything.

Now that I think of it, I probably should have stored my money there too. No matter, they don't use one hundred dollar notes in the Fae Realms anyways.

"You can borrow some of my clothes when we get home." She smiles, linking her arm through mine, "So you don't have to wear clothes three sizes too big for you. Or someone else's lingerie." She whispers the last part.

"They weren't used!" Axis says from the other side of the kitchen table, crossing his arms and I grin.

"So why did you have lingerie in your house, Axis?" Calli teases.

"We really should get going." He mutters, ignoring her question. Then he disappears and Calli snorts.

"You'll come with me." I hear Zaid say and I turn to my side to see him looking at me.

It hasn't slipped past me that he doesn't use my name.

"Since you asked so nicely." I say, walking over to him and he grabs my arm gently.

Then we sift out of Axis' place. I'm pulled different ways as I move through the world all the way to the Palace.

My feet hit the ground and I open my eyes, ignoring the rollercoaster feeling in my stomach.

Gods, this place is so much nicer than the Light Fae Palace. And I can only see the back of it.

We're standing in a garden and it's so bright and colourful. The grass is a beautiful lush green and there are little flowers next to a cobblestone path. The trees are big and green, some of them even have pretty pink flowers on the leaves.

There are birds flying around and butterflies moving from one flower to the next.

It is so much nicer than the Light Fae Palace.

"It's beautiful." I say quietly, my hand coming up to cover my mouth.

"It is." Zaid says and I almost forgot he was standing beside me, his hand is still wrapped around mine.

Two people emerge from the open wooden doors across the garden and they head towards us. Zaid quickly drops my arm and he walks over to them. I hurry after him.

he hugs the older lady and she smiles warmly. She has long, curly brown hair and big, icy blue eyes.

There's a man standing beside her looking at the two as they hug. He's got short black hair and the same deep blue eyes Zaid and Darcy have.

It isn't hard to tell that they're related.

"Is Calli safe?" The lady asks and Zaid nods.

"Thanks to Silver." I hear Axis say and look up to see him walking over to us. He must have walked out of the door moments after the couple.

The lady turns to me, "Thank you." She takes my hands in hers and nods.

I just smile awkwardly, unsure what to say.

"This is Raelyn." Axis says as he comes to stand by my side. "She was with Calli and helped her escape. You may also remember her as they girl that tied us to furniture and left."

The lady's brows raise as she looks me up and down, "Oh."

No part of her gives away what she's thinking. Her face is neutral and her body is relaxed. Even her eyes remain warm.

"And we can trust her?" The man asks sceptically. Now he's not as good at hiding his thoughts. His boy is tense like he's preparing for me to lash out. He eyes follow my every move and his jaw is clenched. He's unsure.

"She's going to be joining the Warrior Camp." Zaid says just as Calli appears next to him.

"Which I think is stupid, Aunty Kaia." She huffs, "She saved my life! I think she's done more than enough to prove her loyalty."

"Calli, we've been over this." Zaid groans. Because they had. About six times. Calli never won the argument.

"But it's stupid." She says, stomping her foot, "Is this how we treat people that save someone's life?"

"It's how we treat people wanting to join the Squad's." Zaid deadpans.

Calli huffs and then makes her way inside.

"I'll get Haevyn to talk to her." The lady – Kaia – says before turning to me, "You want to join a Dark Fae fighting Squad?"

"Yep." I nod.

"You want to fight against your own kind?" She asks me, still her face revealing nothing.

"Not all of them. I won't go setting innocent villages on fire if that's what you guys do." Gods, I definitely should have asked for more details about what being a part of the Squad's entailed.

"Of course not." The older man says at the same time Kaia says, "I like her."

"Zaid, let her sleep in the spare room across from yours tonight. Tomorrow morning she can attend the Camp with Axis. She's already a few weeks into the training program so she will have to catch up." She turns to face Axis, "I want you to train her and get her up to date. Also stay with her as much as you can. People won't take lightly to the fact that a Light Fae is training with them."

"Thank you." I say and Kaia smiles at me before linking her arm through the man's and leaving.

"You can take her to her room." Zaid tells Axis, "Calli, we need to talk."

Calli groans and the two walk off.

"Ready?" Axis asks and I nod, following after him.


Published - 5/4/2024

Word Count - 1207

I don't know whether I like icebreakers or not. Like a fun fact about myself, what do I even say? My go to is normally that I have never broken a bone. Or that I got hit in the eye with a hockey stick when I was four cause I feel like that's fun.


Brie <3

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