Chapter 8

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Terez has come in four times to whip me. And whilst I haven't lost count of how many times he's hit me, I have no idea how much time has passed. The pain has blurred any senses I have.

I've only been hit one hundred and fifty times and I'm already losing it.

My back is aching and Terez has me tied to a chair, my front forced against the back of the chair so as to leave my back bare. There's enchanted black rope he's used to tie my hands together and my feet to the legs of the chairs. The spell in it means I can't use my powers to heal myself.

Twice Terez has healed my wounds, though only enough to staunch the bleeding. 'Wouldn't want you bleeding out before your punishment ended now, would we?, he had said.

I need to get out of here.

"You're not going to be able to." The girl I the cell next to mine says and I realise I had spoken aloud. "I've tried."

"Well, I've managed to escape a lot of places." I tell her.

"It's impossible." She says and I roll my eyes.

"Just you watch." I tell her. "I'm going to get out of here and I'm going to take you with me. Just so I can remind you that you were wrong every single day."

With that promise, I feel myself begin to lose consciousness again.

I'm woken up by the sharp pain in my back. I open my eyes but am met with the dim lighting of the cell. I squeeze my eyes shut and clench my jaw, preparing for the next strike.

"One hundred and fifty two." I say as the next hit comes, landing directly on top of the previous one. I just know that my back is torn into ribbons. I can feel blood dripping down my back and I don't need to look down to see the puddle of blood at my feet.

When I get to one hundred and seventy nine he hits me harder, the whip snapping sideways along the open wounds, causing me to grunt out in pain.

"One hundred and eighty." I say, my voice hoarse from the screams I'd held back.

"We'll stop there today, my precious Rave." He says and I slump against the chair, my muscles relaxing.

I don't turn my head to watch him but I know he's hung the whip on a hook in the room. the door to my cell slams shut and there's a click as he clicks the lock shut.

His footsteps echo against the cobblestone as he leaves. I fight to stay conscious as my brain works. Somewhere between slash one sixty to one seventy my mind came up with a plan.

I hold my breath as I move my hands in front of me. I push one against the chair and apply pressure until I hear a pop. I hold in a cry of pain and force myself to do the other one. The rope slides off of my wrists and drops to the floor.

My hands shake as the pain of my dislocated thumbs shoot up my arm. I ignore it and move to the side, bending at my waist to get to the legs of the chair. I pick up the rope from my hands and use it to cut the chair leg. I move it back and forth, the rope slowly chipping away at the wood.

There's a snap and I groan as the leg splits, jolting me to one side.

"You're crazy." The girl in the other cell says but I ignore her. I lean to the other side and do the same to the other leg, this time catching myself so I don't go slamming onto the cobblestone.

I push the broken chair to the side and stand up. My legs are jelly as I move but I push myself forward to the whip hanging on the wall.

Maybe he left it there to taunt me, maybe it was because he didn't want to carry it through the hallway again. Either way, it's going to help me.

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