Chapter 5

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It seems fitting that Terez didn't tell me it was a 'spiking people's drinks' type of drugging rather than a 'selling illegal drugs' type.

As the black haired man wraps an arm around my shoulder, despite the intense scent of his cologne, I can't help but feel grateful that it was me they decided to drug. I had smelt the scent of ozbone coming off him the minute he sat down beside me.

Any other Human wouldn't have smelt it though. If it were any Human girl in my position right now, she'd be dead soon.

As he drags me towards the emergency exit sign I pretend that my legs start to give way. I look up at him, my eyes widen and he just grins at me.

"It's okay beautiful." He says, kicking the exit door open and dragging me through.

"She's a pretty one." Another man says as I get dragged down the steps. He's got shoulder length black hair and I recognise him as the man that sprinkled the powder into my drink. He wasn't as slick as he thought.

There's a white van parking to the side of the alley we emerge in and he slides the door open. There's already two other girls leaning against the opposite door, slumped against each other. They must have taken them before I arrived.

I let my feet buckle beneath me and bite down a groan as my knees collide with broken glass on the concrete. The man above me chuckles and lets me slump down. I push my body forward and flop towards the ground, subtly moving my hands in front of me right before I collapse on the ground.

"Grab her and load her in." The man that spiked my drink says.

Two hands grab me once more and begin to drag me to the van. I let my head hang down, letting him pull me forwards. Right as I get to the side of the van, the black haired man grabs onto my other arm, both of them lifting me into the van.

Suddenly I thrust my head back, a sickening crack sounding through the alley as I make contact with the first man's face. He curses and lets go of my arm, stumbling back.

"What the fuck." The black haired guy says right before my elbow slams into his stomach.

"You bitch." The man with the broken nose snarls and I turn to see him begin to move his hands in circles.

Witches? What the hell are Witches doing in the Human Realm? Drugging helpless women, no less.

Before he can begin an incantation I send a blast of my own white magic shooting towards him. He goes flying backwards and slams into the wall behind him. I spread my light into a web and use it to hold him to the wall.

I'm too focused on sticking the light to the wall that I react too slowly to the blow the other man strikes to my middle.

I groan as a blinding pain slides through my chest and I look down to see a deep cut sliced above the dip in my dress. I look to the man and move to the side just on time to avoid the next strike of the dagger in his hand.

I form my own daggers and I throw one at him. He drops to his knees as the dagger lands in his thigh. He throws his towards me but I easily block it with a blast of magic. It goes tumbling to the side and I call it to me. A wave of light scoops it up and brings it to me. I catch it easily in my palm and look down at it.

It's got a few runes edged into the hilt of it and I curse. Are these Terez's men? I didn't think any other Witches still used runes.

One of the many things that Terez has taught me is how to create, destroy and read runes.

The first design on the hilt is a circle with three lines inside of it. A Permanent rune. I look down at the deep cut on my chest. Well, that won't be disappearing then.

There's a second rune, one I don't recognise etched in below it. two small circles that overlap. I'll have to borrow a book from Terez to look it up.

I stalk towards the guy on the floor, holding his own dagger up. Just as I go to shove it through his chest, a wave of darkness washes over him.

"What the fuck?" I curse, dodging away from the shadows. What type of magic are the Witches learning now?

"Don't kill them." A voice from the end of the alley says and my head whips to the side.

I can just make out the silhouette of a man standing at the mouth of the alley.

I form a ball of light behind him and it shoots forward before wrapping around him. He grunts as it tightens around him before lifting him in the air. It shoots towards me and then I send it flying to the side when it slams him into the wall beside the other man.

The light spreads and traps him to the wall, the same way it did to the man beside him.

"As much as I would love to see you kill these two men," He says and I raise a brow, "We should take them in and question them."

"Why should I listen to you?" I scoff, holding the runed dagger in my hand tighter.

"Because I could just as easily kill you." He says, the side of his mouth twitching up.

He's wearing a black pair of jeans, a few rips in them and a dark grey shirt. He's got black hair that flops over his forehead, making him look young. From the light of my strings I can see the golden brown of his eyes and the lines of a hard jawline.

"Right. Yet you're the one tied to the wall." I say, folding my arms over my chest as I edge to the side so I can have all three of the men in my view.

"I'll admit, this isn't the best position for me to be in," He says, "And as much as I love a beautiful girl tying me up, I really do have more important things to do."

Suddenly darkness envelopes him and my light breaks away. I grunt as it comes snapping back to me. The shadows disappear and he's standing on his feet.

Before he can do anything else I throw the runed dagger at him. He moves to the side but I use my light to angle the dagger. He brings up a shield but not fast enough to block the whole dagger. It flicks to the side and cuts into his cheek.

He curses and walks towards me. A shield of darkness wraps around him as he moves closer. I flick a path of light towards him again but suddenly a different darkness envelopes me.

It's not the warm darkness that he emitted and is a cold, icy one instead. He pauses and looks to the side, cursing and shaking his head.

His golden eyes and brown hair are the last things I see before everything turns black.


Published - 5/4/2024

Word Count - 1230

I was looking at the stats for my stories and tell me why more than half of the people that interact with this are from America. As an Aussie girly that's so crazy to me.

What country are you guys from because surely there are some Australian's that are reading these too

Love always, 

Brie <3

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