Chapter 7

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This is bullshit. Who do they think they are? Who are they to just knock me out and kidnap me then ask me questions like this?

The smell of the hospital supplies and the two men in the room is beginning to become overbearing. So much so that I can barely concentrate on my escape plan.

For whatever reason, they think their little chains have stifled my powers, but they're still with me. Honestly, they feel stronger than ever. But I'll dwell on that another time.

I want to ask them how they know I'm from the fighting ring, but then that could lead to other questions such as 'why'. And if I'm going to make it to the meeting tonight, I need to get out here as soon as I can.

"What's the time?" I ask right before he begins to ask me another rude and personal question.

"Like six?" Axis says and I curse.

"Am or pm?" I ask quickly and Zaid snorts.

"It's dark outside, so obviously pm." He says, but I don't respond to the jab.

I lift my wrists up and two flashes of light shoot towards the two men. My light envelopes them before they can react, shooting down their throats and silencing them. I wasn't going to kill them, but I was going to make sure they couldn't stop me.

Axis gets tied to the chair and Zaid is shoved onto the bed, thin wires of light wrapping him to the mattress. He starts to shake, trying to break the wires but I just pull them tighter, though not tight enough to hurt.

Axis just watches me curiously, looking down at the cuff around my wrist. I stare into his golden eyes as I wave my hand over the cuff. His brows raise as it drops away. I wink at him and then climb off the bed. I wrap more light around myself and then close my eyes, imagining my room above Terez's.

The ground disappears from my feet and moments later the cold tiles I was standing on turns to the soft carpet of my room.

I quickly run to the bathroom and jump into the shower. I scrub off the blood, both mine and the other mans until I'm clean and smelling of vanilla. I dry off and get dressed in a black shirt and leggings. I ignore the scar on my chest.

I throw on my cloak and head downstairs. It's not six twenty-seven and I pray that whoever was paying Terez for me is patient.

However, the minute I knock on Terez's door and am dragged inside, I know they weren't.

The first time his fist slams into my jaw, I know that the client had walked away with all the money he was willing to pay.

"Twenty seven." Terez says as he punches me in the stomach, "You're twenty seven minutes late."

I force myself to stay on my feet as he punches me again.

"You just cost me three million dollars." He curses, gripping my hair and shoving me to my knees.

The client was willing to pay three million? Gods, maybe it was lucky I didn't show on time because if they were willing to pay that much, the target must have been a risky one.

I stay on my knees, keeping my head down as he walks to the cupboard against one wall of his office. He opens the door and pulls something out. My stomach tightens as I feel the length of the whip dragging towards me.

He's whipped me once before, and that was when I lost a fight against someone I should have beaten. He'd bet a lot of money on me and I lost. It didn't matter that my opponent had a knife. It didn't matter that he'd stabbed me in the stomach so he could win. It didn't matter that he cheated.

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