Chapter 4

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I can already feel multiple sets of eyes on us as we enter. Which is not unusual, considering the flawlessness of a Fae's beauty. My eyes are already roaming around the place as we walk towards the stairs to the side of the dance floor. I plan to get laid tonight so might as well scout the options now.

Chantelle may say there's less options in a mixed club, but that's just because she refuses to sleep with Humans. It doesn't really bother me though. As long as they're good to look at, I don't really mind.

I turn away from the dance floor as we walk up the stairs, making our way to the VIP booth above. At least from here I'll have a better view. By the time we sit down at the booth we always hire, there's four drinks set out on the table.

Chantelle slides into the booth and sits on one of the red cushioned seats, picking up the red drink inside a champagne flute – blood mixed with Fae wine. She leans back, her curly long black braids flowing around her chest. She takes a sip as Darcy and I slide in.

Darcy picks up the other champagne flute, a mix of Fae wine and orange juice in it. She picks up my drink and hands it to me and I take a sip, the taste of Fae rum sliding down my throat.

"Not many options here tonight." Chantelle says with a frown and I shrug.

"There's a few." Darcy says and I look to her to see her eying off one of the waitresses.

"You know you can't sleep with the wait staff, Darce." I say and she turns to me with a grin.

"Oh, can't I?" She says, raising an eyebrow.

"You already have, haven't you." I sigh and she winks at me.

"Zaid not coming tonight?" Chantelle asks casually. I know it's not though. If Azaidro was open to relationships or even flings, Chantelle would want to be in his bed in a heartbeat.

"He decided to stay back and work on a strategy with Lenard." I tell her. "Apparently there's been an uprising from a village in the Light Fae Realm so they want to double down on defence when we attend the Ball."

In a month, the Light Fae are holding a Ball in honour of the Prince's wedding. He's getting married and they'd like for the Realms to attend as it's the first big event for the Light Fae in years. But if they're having problems with some of their villages, who knows what could happen at the ball. And we can't decline the invitation either, or that would reignite old feuds.

They took a long time rebuilding their reputation and the control they had over their villages when their King was killed by Zaid's parents. Luckily, the new king of the Light Fae agreed to a peace treaty.

"He's always working." Chantelle sighs.

"Well, he is in charge of a whole squad of guards for the first time, so I don't blame him for always working." Darcy says.

I drown out their conversation as I look below us. The bar is quite large, despite it being mostly Human owned – you know if it's Fae or Human owned simply by looking at the states of undress of the crowd. Fae have no shame when it comes to nakedness or public signs of affection, so our clubs tend to have a lot more nudity and a lot more sex.

The bar is over to the side of the room, away from the dance floor. It expands along the whole left wall and there's multiple chairs in front of it, almost all of them occupied.

And it's there that I spot a petite red haired girl sitting on a stool. She's wearing a black dress and even from this far away, with my Fae sight I can make out the intricate design of black flowers on the lace of the dress. Her head tips back and she laughs at something the man next to her says.

What could he be saying for her to laugh like that?

I'm so enthralled by her face as it creases as she laughs that I almost miss the man beside her act. He moves quickly, his hand shooting out and dropping something into the girls drink. She doesn't seem to notice, and neither does anyone else. By the time I'm on my feet, he's already disappeared into the throng of drunk dancers.

"Where are you going?" Darcy asks as I place my drink back on the table.

"I'll be back." I tell her and she rolls her eyes but I'm already walking out of the booth.

I rush down the stairs and push through the crowd on the dancefloor. Hands grip onto me as I move by, people trying to pull me into a dance with them but all I can think about is the girl at the bar. Who knows what those men plan to do to her? She's so small that she'd never be able to fight them off, especially not in a drugged state.

By the time I make it to the bar, it's way more crowded than it was minutes ago. I have to push through to find them and plenty of people throw me dirty looks.

I get to the spot where the pair were sitting but they're gone, two pretty brunettes sitting there instead. One of them grins as they see me looking at them, the other winking.

Now, I'm just as inclined to have a threesome with two good looking people, but I can't think about that when someone could be getting hurt right now.

I slide in beside one of them, signalling to the bartender. I spot Brendon and wave him over.

"Hey Axis," He smiles, already picking up the bottle of rum, "The usual?"

"No." I say and he raises a brow, I never change my order, "The girl that was here before, where'd she and the man go?"

"Muttered something about getting out of here," He says, frowning, "They were all over each other."

He motions to the entrance and I curse, pushing off the bar. I push through the crowd again and almost run to the door I entered through only half an hour ago. I brush past the security and onto the footpath.


Published - 5/4/2024

Word Count - 1071

I currently have written all of these chapters over my Uni break. I should definitely be studying and catching up on work right now but OH WELL!


Brie <3

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