Chapter 2

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"Fuck, she's good." Axis says, his eyes glued to the same red haired girl we've been watching fight for the last hour.

"She's just a Human girl." Chantelle scoffs, rolling her eyes.

"And she's fucking good for a Human." Axis says, his eyes trained on the girl.

She's wearing a black sports bra and a black pair of bike shorts, a white mask covering her eyes. Her hands are bloodied from her knuckles splitting open and her hair is streaked with ruby red from every time she runs her fingers through her ponytail.

The pit she's fighting in is below us as we stare down from the VIP section. There's a gathered crowd in the stands below, people squashed in seats as they watch the fight. There's money being passed around as they bet on the fight.

"She looks too young to be fighting." I say, "I thought there was an age limit in the rings."

"She's doing fine despite that." Axis says, but it doesn't extinguish my anger. We laid out our rules for Terez. If he's broken them, knows what will happen to him.

Darcy says as she slides in beside me, "She's been in since ten o'clock." She says, her voice laced with slight disbelief as she leans against the rails, watching the girl with awe.

She's nearly been fighting for two hours. Gods, how has she not been beaten yet?

"Fuck." Axis curses, his brows raised. "If it's been that long, how come she hasn't stopped yet?"

"Money." Chantelle says, as if it were obvious.

No one responds as we watch the girl.

As the big man she's fighting charges towards her, his shoulder dropping as he prepares to slam her to the floor she jumps up. She lands on his back, her strong legs pushing down on him. His knees buckle beneath him and he slams into the ground, face first.

The girl climbs on top of his body and grips his hair before lifting it up and slamming it down onto the ground. He doesn't move.

She looks to the referee standing on a raised platform and he blows the whistle thrice. Her face doesn't change as she wins and she stands up.

A pouch is handed to the referee and he opens it, flicking through the many green notes of the Human currency as he counts them. He nods then passes it back to the masked boy that gave it to him. The pouch gets dumped onto a table covered in a red cloth, at least fifteen more pouches there already.

"Now," The ref says, leaning towards the microphone in front of him, "For the first time in the last month, our very own Rave has been challenged."

A chorus of cheers raise from the crowd at his words. Does she not get challenged often?

As the unconscious man on the ground gets dragged away, the ref continues speaking, "Can we welcome a new competitor to the ring. Kyro!"

The crowd erupts into cheers and I watch as the man we've been hunting walks into the ring.

"If Rave emerges victorious from this fight," The ref continues, "She'll have won her two hundredth game in the ring!"

"Two hundred wins isn't that much." Chantelle scoffs and I roll my eyes.

"In a row!" The ref adds on after a few moments and the crowd watching gets even louder. More and more people are coming over to watch the fight.

"Too bad she's fighting Kyro." Chantelle says as she watches the scene below us. "Because two hundred in a row is quite impressing. Especially for someone her size."

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