Chapter 10

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Calli closes the bathroom door behind her and I take a deep breath. The smell of warm roses envelopes me and I look to the bathtub.

It's in the corner of the room beside a shower and is overflowing with bubbles.

Who puts that many bubbles in a bath.

I strip off, letting the nice smelling shirt drop to my feet. It smells of rain and forests and I almost don't want to take it off. But when I look down at the blood on my legs I step out of the shorts that are many sizes too big and walk towards the bath.

I step in, the warm water making me shiver. I brush some of the bubbles out the way and sink down into the tub. The water seeps into my muscles and I lean my head back.

I may be in a house with the people that kidnapped me, but I suppose if they wanted to kill me they wouldn't have run me a bubble bath. And if they were planning on killing me, I'd like to say thanks for giving me a moment of serenity before the pain.

I duck under the water and wet my hair before massaging shampoo and conditioner through it. I wash the blood off of my body, my back only a dull ache now and then lay back down.

My eyes drift shut and I find myself falling asleep.

There's a knock on the door and I jerk awake. I'm not sure how long I'd been asleep for but the bath water has turned cold and the bubbles are almost all gone.

"You still alive in there?" Calli calls.

"Yep!" I say looking around the bathroom. There's a dark blue towel hanging over the shower so I stand up and grab it.

"I've left some clothes outside of the door for you." Calli tells me as I wrap the towel around myself. "They're not really your size but it's all we have for now."

Once I've dried off I open the door and grab the clothes. They're almost identical to what I was wearing earlier, except they're not covered in crusty blood. I pick up the pile and close the door again.

I drop it beside the sink and pick up the top first. Beneath the top is a set of lingerie. A set that is a little too sexy compared to the shirt and shorts I was given which are very clearly male clothes. Male clothes that smell very nice. If they made this smell in a bottle, I would buy it.

I pull them on anyways and then dry my hair in the towel. I don't bother fully drying it and leave it down instead. I hang the towel back over the shower and pull the plug on the bath. It makes a slurping noise as it begins to drain and then I walk out.

I stop in the room I was put in. There's a large double bed pushed against one wall, white sheets and light blue pillows thrown over it. There's a chair next to the bed that I remember Axis sitting down in before I blasted him with my magic.

There's a pile of books next to it and I bend down, reading the authors. I only recognise a few, and those are the ones that I'd stolen from Terez's office when I had the chance. Why is a copy here?

At the top of the pile is a book the same as the one I have stored away in my pocket of the world.

I was fifteen when I first opened up a pocket of another world. I needed a place to hide the bottle of Faerie wine I'd taken from the party and suddenly the pocket appeared. I dumped the wine into it and t shut behind it right as the General came around the corner. Ever since then, I'd been putting things I wanted to keep hidden in there.

And this book is one of them. It's a dictionary for runes. If this were to fall in the wrong hands, it could be bad.

I pick it up gently and flip through it. as I glance over them and then at their names and descriptions, I frown. This book has all of them mixed up. I spot the rune for the Permanent spell, a circle with three lines in the middle. But here it says that it's a spell to make a weapon last longer.

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