hello ?!

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Hi guys ♡
This came to me when I was in the  shower and then I went on tiktok and Oliver stark Said he wanted to do a Crossover with the rookie
The rookie is my favorite show, I am definitely a chenford lover I also love 911 so I decided to make a little Crossover story I hope you guys like it please if you want to suggest something please do
In this story lucy is a patrol officer and tim is still training to be a Sargent they aren't together yet, Ashley broke up with tim just Chris is still apart:( please give me feedback I'm so nervous to post this lol enjoy ♡

It was some what of a normal morning for lucy at the station she went to the locker room and got changed into her uniform and went to say hello to Angela and nyla
She saw LAFD in Greys office with grey and tim Lucy walks up to Angela's desk with her flask in her hand " what's that about?" Angela " firefighters are laundering drugs in the 118 " nyla " yeah so now grey and Bradford are trying to see what they can do " lucy " that sounds hetic" 
Angela " harper and I are probably going to have to do the paperwork " harper " another sleepless night Layla is teething she's so restless at night " Angela " same story here (she looks at lucy) enjoy your freedom while you can " lucy giggles " yeah I will cause I am no where near that" nyla " you and Chris not doing well?" Lucy " uh no he has just been annoying me lately" ( she looks at tim I'm Greys office) nyla and Angela look at eachother like girl it's ovi
Tim opens the door of the office " Chen " lucy " I will see you later " nyla " good luck " she walks to the office and goes inside grey " this is Sargent Athena grant and her husband Bobby captain of the 118 " they all shake hands Athena " the legendary lucy chen" lucy smiles " it's nice to meet you you've done alot of amazing work " tim rolls his eyes " someone new has just joined the 118 and they have been laundering drugs and stealing fire equipment " lucy " omw that's-" anthena " we came specifically to your station because we would like you to go undercover " Grey " as a fire fighter Bobby and his team will train you on the basics " lucy " oh wow for how long? " grey " well until we find out who is the lead of this, think about it and when you decide Sargent grant and captain nash will help you " tim concerned " lucy you can say no if you want to" Grey " come back in an hour and we'll talk " lucy smiles " thank you and it was so nice to meet you guys " tim opens the door for lucy and walks out after her tim " you okay?" Lucy " yeah i am should I do it?" Tim " yes I think you should ill be watching " lucy " you're such a big softie " tim smirks " do you  want to do 100 pushes" lucy smiles " no sir " tim " mmh that's what I thought "
In Greys office
Athena " are they together?" Grey giggles "unfortunately not " Bobby " so everybody knows they want eachother but they haven't?" Grey " that's exactly what they are" Athena " so like buck and Eddie " Bobby laughs Angela Luna knocks on the door " hey is this a bad time?" Grey " no come in this is Sargent grant and captain Nash " Luna smiles " Athena?" Athena smiles " omw Luna grey in the flesh " Bobby " you know eachother?" Luna " only since highschool " grey laughs " this is amazing " Bobby laughs
Roll call room
Tim " Officer chen is going to be going undercover as a firefighter " buck,Eddie,hen and chim walk in Eddie smiles when he sees lucy" Dime si estoy equivocada pero puedo reconocer esa hermosa sonrisa de una milla de distancia?!"( I can recognize that smile from anywhere ) Lucy turns around and runs to Eddie she jumps into his arms he spins her round " Eddie !!" Tim and buck have a jealous look on their face Eddie " Since when did you become a cop?!" Lucy " and you a firefighter?!" Buck and tim role their eyes and in sink (jealousy) " you guys about done ?"  Lucy smiles at tim " yes sir" hen and chim look at eachother hen " what just happened?" Chim " I have no idea "
Bobby points at each of them " this is hen, chim, buck and it seems like you know Eddie" Lucy " nice to meet you all" Angela,nyla,Aaron,Bailey,Celina,Nolan walk in lucy " this is my family detective Angela Lopez,nyla harper, officer Aaron thorsan,Celina juarez,John Nolan Bailey nune, Sargent grey and his wife Luna and last but not least (she blushes ) Sargent tim bradford" tim smiles chim " why am I so intimidated" hen " probably cause they are cops" chim " oh that makes sense" they all greet Grey " okay so officer lucy chen will be going undercover as a drug dealer  firefighter Rina Robert's Bailey nune will be joining If she needs backup as vic Nolan " Bobby smiles" but first officer chen needs to be trained " buck smiles " yeah if she wants to be passed off as one of us I'll doubt she can do it" tim death stares buck in the eyes " I'm shutting up now" Eddie " Good "

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