I'll always be there for you

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Bailey walks into the apartment when she sees buck and lucys phone on her bed she goes to see if Lucy's gun is on the door hook and it's not she immediately calls tim " Bradford " Bailey " lucy and buck are not here their phones are here Lucy's gun is gone he took them" tim immediately tells the others and they run up to the apartment tim " how did we not see this?"
Angela " cctv now" nyla pulls it up " it's definitely them look they took her" Athena calls grey and tells him what happens he sends Nolan,Celina, and Aaron over
With Gipson at a warehouse
" so you cook" lucy " yeah I do " Gipson " you're going to cook me 5 million worth " lucy " I can't do that " he hits her across the face buck " leave her alone " he hits buck " fine I will just leave him alone " tim tells the 118 Eddie is pissed and worried Eddie " I'm coming with " nyla " no you're not " Athena " he's family " Tim " let them " the rest of the team " if he's going we're going " John " ill stay with Bailey "
At the warehouse lucy finished the batch " can we go ?" Guy " NO YOU CANT I DONT NEED YOU ANYMORE" he points the gun at buck lucy tries tackling him he hits her she starts bleeding just as he was about to shoot her tim " LAPD HANDS IN THE AIR NOW!" Lucy gets up and grabs the gun " YOURE UNDERARREST INTERLACE YOUR FINGERS NOW" Angela cuffs him tim immediately hugs lucy " are you okay?" Lucy " I'm ok " Eddie " buck?!" Buck " hey " Eddie " are you okay?" Buck " got a few scratches but yeah" Eddie hugs him Athena and Angela " tonight?" Athena " definitely " they walk out when all of a sudden lucy collapses she's  unconscious
Tim " LUCY " chim and hen run over she's not breathing start CPR Hen tries to tim does it before she does " Lucy stay with me " he does it for 6 minutes straight Eddie starts tearing up buck comforts him Bobby hugs Athena chim " she's gone tim " tim " NO SHES NOT " he does it for another minute and she takes a breathe hen immediately puts a mask over her everyone takes a breathe of relief chim" let's gets her to a hospital now " they put her in the ambulance and tim gets in aswell holding Lucy's hand they drive off nyla " thank God she's okay" Angela " he wouldn't have survived "
In the hospital
The doctor does an ultrasound " she had internal bleeding we need to get her to a OR Stat " tim starts tearing up as they take her to the OR Angela comes running in " she's in the OR she has internal bleeding " Angela hugs tim " she's going to be okay tim" the rest of the gang join tim sits in the waiting room playing with his hand angela grabs his hand and holds it tight they starts sitting on the floor around tim and Angela one buy one Wesley smiles at Angela she says " she's going to be okay" the 118 walk in and see them sitting on the floor they join them grey rushes in with Luna behind him " Tim?" He sees tim in tears and starts tearing up he sits next to Angela Angela puts her head on Tim's shoulder to comfort him
3 hours later a doctor comes out " family for lucy chen?" They all stand up Bobby " how is she?" The doctor " the surgery took longer than expected but she's going to be okay " tim took a breathe of relief doctor " only 1 person can see her at the moment grey " tim should go " tim sprints across the hospital to lucys room  he sees her and starts tearing up he sits next to lucy and holds her hand after 1 hour she wakes up " tim?" He smiles " hey" lucy smiles to see him next to her " you're here?" Tim " I told you I'll always be here for you plus you owe me 100 push-ups " she laughs "ouch" tim smiles but still doesn't realize he is still holding her hand :)

Thank you for reading:) I can't wait for the next part it's gonna be amazing 🤭

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