home is you

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Lucy was discharged from the hospital 3 weeks ago but she had to take time off to recover she was cleared for active duty tim checked in on lucy twice while she was off he wanted to check on her everyday but he couldn't because Chris was at lucys apartment and it just wasn't his place to even tho he wanted to.

The station
Angela " you excited for chen to come back?" Tim " yip we're sort staffed " Angela " mmh" tim looks at her " what?" Angela " nothing " she walks away smilin tim confused
Angela and nyla
Nyla " you think Lucy's going to be okay ?" Angela " No but tim will make sure she is " nyla giggles " so our bets still going with the 118?" Angela laughs " hell yeah"
Aaron " hows Bailey doing" Nolan " she's doing good the 118 is welcoming her with opens arms I thinks she's happier " Celina " and she has bi buck and eddie" nolan  " they're bi?" Aaron " they haven't come out yet " Celina " but we all know they want eachother "

Lucy walks in tim smiles at the sight of her she smiles at him she walks to him with her duffle bag over her shoulder lucy " hey " tim " hey " lucy " I heard you missed me as you're golfer" tim " no Aaron's the best "she hits his chest " you're so mean " tim walks her to the locker room " I am not " nyla "what you doing?" Angela " telling Athena that I'm going to win " she picks up the phone

In the shop (Tim's driving)
Lucy gets a phone call it's Chris
Chris " hey" lucy kinda uncomfortable " hi" Chris " so I found a place I think it's the one" Lucy " uh okay send me the details I look it over " Chris " okay bye" lucy " uh bye" tim looks at lucy " are you and Chris moving in with eachother " lucy " no he thinks we are but " tim " did you tell him that?" Lucy " no " they get that call they did in the ep ( I don't feel like writing that part)
Chris calls again " hey I found the one " Lucy speechless " uh" tim notices " Chen talk to your boyfriend on your personal time" Chris " jeez he's grumpy we'll talk later " lucy " uh yeah" she ends the call " thanks " tim " do you love him?" Lucy looks at him " I'm mean we've only been dating for a few months" tim " he loves you" lucy " I know and I feel like I should I mean he's so sweet and we never fight " tim " maybe that's the point " lucy " mmh " Tim and lucy now looking at eachother tim " Lucy you deserve someone who's worth the effort " lucy " I know I know he's just not -" she looks Tim he knows it's he's just not him

( I'm Changing how they got together)

The 118 invited them to a dinner
All of them are there expect lucy and Celina Celina walks in with lucy everyone hugs Celina and lucy it was tim and lucys turn to hug tim looked at her she looked at him tim " hey " lucy " hey " chim " they are totally going to hook up after this " hen sips her beer " definitely " Eddie " they're cute " buck looking at Eddie with hearts in his eyes " I want something like that" Bailey pats him on the back " if only you would open your eyes" buck " what's that suppose to mean?!" Hen " she has a point" chim " definitely " the four of them walk away Eddie looking at buck with Hearts in his eyes buck " I have no idea what they're aiming at " Eddie sips his beer " mmh"
Wade " they're good kids " Bobby " they are but mine behave better" wade " uh no says the ones that tagged along to savs chen and buck" Bobby " yours literally robbed a bank" wade " in my defense I have nothing to say" they chuckle

Athena " they better just admitt there feelings already" Angela " yess I'm tired of waiting " nyla " definitely I want my wine money" they laugh Athena " when am I meeting your guys families?" Angela " you guys can come round on Saturday?" Nyla " ill bring James and Leah round " Athena " sounds perfect "

Bailey " hi Okay so I just want to say thank you to the 118 for letting me join this family I love you guys so much even you're idiotic pranks now if some ppl would just open their eyes" they all look at lucy and tim then Eddie and buck
Lucy stands up " hey okay so this is so awkward but -"  Chris " lucy ?!" Lucy gets up " hey?" Chris " WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME YOU WERE HERE?" Lucy walks to him " I don't need to communicate every thing with you chris" Chris " WE'RE LEAVING" all of them watching tim trys to get up Aaron and Angela hold him down Angela " she's got this" Aaron " we'll move in if she needs us" Nolan " lucy you okay?" Lucy " yeah everything's good " Chris " look I'm tired let's go" lucy steps back " Chris I'm sorry I'm not going to go back to my apartment and pretend everything's okay I was going to stuff this all down and pretend everything's okay but I can't im sorry I need you to hand me your play book " Chris " are you breaking up with me ?" Lucy " yeah I am" Chris " lucy please" he tries to hug her lucy " no" Eddie and buck get up and walk to lucy Eddie " you should leave " Chris " no " buck " she said you guys are over" Aaron gets up " give her apartment keys back now " Chris " NO MY THINGS ARE I  THERE " Bobby and wade get up Tim tries to but Athena " we'll interven if need to" Bobby " We're asking you nicely chris" wade " give the keys " he punches wade and Bobby  in the face Athena " OH HELL NO" the four of them get up nyla " guys back up" celina " I would back up " the 118 and Celina and Aaron back up helping Bobby and wade Angela " KEYS NOW" Athena sees him reaching for a knife " Knife" tim grabs his wrist before it touches lucy or himself " Pathetic " Angela takes lucys apartment keys and notices a bunch of photos of him stalking lucy and other girls Angela " GUYS" nyla " that's Hannah Dallas she went missing 2 days ago" nyla " looks like you have alot of explaining to to Christopher " lucy walks away crying Celina tries running after tim " I got this " he goes after her Tim " lucy" lucy " hes- " tim grabs her in for a hug he holds her tight " It's going to be okay"

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