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Hi loves
I'm so sorry I've been inactive I know i said that I would be updating regularly during my break from school I've just been so busy and I've just taken a break from stress if you know what I mean, I'm so excited they started filming s7!!! Also I've seen that people are asking how they're filming without Jenna (Bailey) because of the whole season finale what I'm thinking is they've gone ahead and filmed the rest of the season and when she's off maternity leave they'll film the first few episodes I hope that makes sense lol

I've also started watching criminal minds I LOVE LOVE LOVE it so much literally cannot get enough of it so if you're looking for a show I recommend you start watching it !! I'm also working on a story for criminal minds about hotchniss we were sadly robbed of them :((

I'll try my best to be active as much as I can, I'm going back to school next week I literally don't want to but sadly I have to :((

Anyways thank you guys for all the support and love you guys send in the messages I get it honestly means alot!!

Look after yourselves and happy 4th of July to those who celebrate!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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