see you soon ?

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With the 118 training lucy to become a firefighter for the undercover op she broke 2 firefighter records Bobby " you're a natural ever thought of quitting and joining the 118?" Lucy smiles and looks at tim looking at her she giggles " you never know" buck to chim " you think she likes Eddie?" Chim " no I don't think so I think she likes officer zaddy over there" hen " yeah there's something going on in between them " buck " mmh sure " hen laughs " are you jealous of lucy" buck " nooo" Bailey walks over to hen " hey can I talk yo you for a sec?" Hen " ofc chim make sure he doesn't do anything stupid" chim " ofc" buck " ouch " Bailey " Sargent Bradford is worried about her going to deep" hen " so he wants us to make sure she okay " Bailey " exactly he really cares for her " hen " I can see that don't worry I got her and you ofc you're a Damm good firefighter " Bailey smiles  " thanks" they hug
2 hours later Bobby " lucy chen welcome to the 118 " tim,buck,Eddie,hen,chim,wade,Angela,nyla,Celina,John,Aaron, Athena clap for her
Angela " Make sure she comes back to us" Eddie smiles " we will" she says goodbye to her team and leaves tim for last she smiles "ill come back you know that right "  tim forces a smile " yeah I know " lucy " you're going to be there outside right?" Tim " yes I will along with thorsan and lopez and Sargent grant" lucy smiles " ill see you soon " tim " you will" They joke for a bit Angela and Athena " how much you wanna bet after this all four of  them confense their feelings ?" Athena " 50 bucks " Angela " deal" Bobby " 118 let's move " lucy looks at tim and smiles Bailey and John John" you make sure you come home " Bailey " I will " they kiss she follows the 118 Celina " they're going to comeback?" Nyla " bradford and lopez will make sure they do " Grey smiles " alright let's get back to work "
Lucy gets onto the truck along with the team tim is getting into the one if vans that's going to follow them around they make eye contact tim ( make sure you come home) she smiles
At the station
Bobby to the whole crew this is Rina Roberts and vic Nolan they will he joining the team so please make sure they're welcome " evey one " yes sir " buck " so ladies you need uniforms ?" Lucy (rina) " yes please" bailey (vic) follows as they walk off to get uniform tim watches from the van Angela " she's going to be okay" tim in a Sad voice " I know"
Athena and Aaron in the other van
Athena "how long?" Aaron " how long for what?" Athena " Celina?" Aaron " we're just friends " Athena " a friend u kissed and dates you punched " Aaron " how?! " Athena " cops talk " Aaron " I don't know " Athena " do you think she likes u" Aaron " not after what I did no"
While lucy was unpacking in her apartment that she would be sharing with Bailey she keptthinking about tim and making sure she came home to him even tho they weren't together, lucy and tim had strong feelings for eachother they just never admitted it tim kept it professional and lucy tried to but tim always felt like he needed to tell her
In the van outside of the apartment
Angela " any movement?" Tim " no not yet " Angela " remember we get turns " moving to the back where she would go sleep (yawning) Tim " take as long as you need to " tims phone vibrated he took it out of his pocket it was lucy on the burner phone
Lucy : hey everything's okay
Tim : you settled in ?
Lucy : no not really it's strange knowing that I'm not going to see the station longer than I usually do
Tim: you got this lucy
Lucy : I know kinda like that ur outside
Tim: oh really?
Lucy: don't be smug
Tim: I'm not
Lucy : I'll see you soon I promise
Tim: you better Tamara is going to miss u to much
Lucy : you sure it's tam that's going to miss me
Tim : yes obviously
Lucy: If you say so bradford
Tim : what's that suppose to mean?
Lucy : Nothing, I'm going to head to bed my first day is going to be busy get some sleep tim:)
Tim : night ☆
Lucy puts her phone down smiling
Tim smiles and calls John John picks up the phone nervously "is Bailey okay?!" Tim " chen and nune are fine " john " that's Good so what's up?" Tim " is it okay if Tamara stays with you until all of this is done" John " of course she can " tim" thank you I'll let her know" John " ill go pick her up" tim " thank you nolan" john" no problem " tim hangs up the phone

Hi to whoever is reading I hope you're enjoying this don't worry it gets better♡

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