pay up

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Tim ran after lucy she was in the locker room of the fire station Tim " Lucy?" Lucy still crying " I'm in the locker room" he walks in and sees lucy sitting on the floor he joins her,her head rests on his shoulder lucy " he's never been this aggressive I mean he's gotten drunk and said things but-" tim " it's okay it's not your fault " he kisses her head lucy " I need to talk to him ask him why he has that photo" tim lifts them up " only if I'm with you" lucy smiles tim brings her in for a hug lucy " thank you" now looking at eachother Eddie knocks on the door Lucy and tim " yeah" Eddie " He broke he told us where the girls are he admitted to everything and about you.. we're rolling out in 20 lopez and harper and Athena  are integrating hims futher" lucy " we'll be out in 5 " Eddie closes the door buck behind him buck " you ready?" Eddie " hell yeah " buck " Promise me you'll be safe" Eddie " I should be saying that to you Evan " just Eddie saying bucks name sent chills down his spine

Meanwhile with lucy and tim
Tim " you okay?" Lucy " no bit I have you so ill be okay" tim pulls her into for a hug "always luce" he kisses her head
They walk out to see the lafd and lapd gearing up Athena " okay im going to kill you guys if we don't come back in one piece " chim " GUNS!" Hen " Pep per" buck " im a badass!!" Grey "remind me again why we arr trusting you guys with guns?" Bobby " I have no idea but good luck" he chuckles
Celina and Aaron
Celina " I don't have a good feeling about tbis" Aaron " me either somethings off "
Angela " trusting standford is a bad idea" nyla " agreed but theres nothing we can do about it "

They had to take Chris with them to the place when they got there they were ambused by Chris's guys Chris " Alright so you're going to drop the guns now " they drop the guns he looks at lucy " So luce you're going to watch me kill each and everyone of them leaving tim for last then ill kill you" Athena " You're making a mistake " Chris nods a guy hits her Bobby "HANDS OFF" he hits Bobby followed by Eddie and buck then Bailey and Nolan
Lucy tears up watching everyone in horror and pain she smiles " KILL THEM I DONT GIVE A DAMM THEYRE WORTHLESS" Aaron " what the hell is she doing ?" Tim tears up nyla " she got this she's smart" Angela " I hope she does "

Lucy steps forward " baby this is all a cover you are my everything they are just apart of the plan " Chris smiles " I knew youd come around " he hands her a gun " kill bradford first " lucy walks to tim and whispers " I got this " she turns around and points it at Chris " HANDS IN THE AIR NOW " Chris chuckles " your out numbered " lucy smiles " yeah maybe I am and maybe I'm going to die  trying to save my family because they mean everything To me and I will " she turns around and shoots the guards in the legs and Arms (still treatable)( la fieda style kinda) Chris puts his arms in the air Angela and nyla come to arrest him as they are grabbing his arm someone shoots him from a roof top blood all over lucy,nyla and Angela

Back at the station
Lucy had a shower to get rid of the blood she smiles when she sees Eddie waiting for her " hey look it's the most badass cop out there " lucy smiles " mmh thank you " she opens her locker Eddie " nk seriously Lucy you're amazing " lucy smiles " thank you you're not to bad a firefighter either diaz" he asks her " so when you going to tell him?" Lucy " who?" Eddie " Don't act like you don't have e eyes for tim" lucy blushes " and when you going to talk to Evan?" Eddie blushes "tonight " lucy " good then I'll talk to tim tonight " Eddie and lucy walk out of the locker room Aaron " DRINKS AT MY BAR?" chim " he has his own bar?" Nolan " yeah he's rich just like Wesley and Angela " hen " noted " Bailey hugs Nolan " I missed you" Bailey " mmh"

At the bar
Eddie and buck go outside
Eddie " buck?" Evan looks at him " yeah?: Eddie " I- thank you for-" buck cuts him off by kissing him Eddie stumbles but kisses him back
Athena, nyla and Angela turn around interlace sink with their hands out to the rest " Pay up" chim " I'm going to be bankrupt " everyone cheers for them
Lucy smiles at tim tim " you wanna get out of here and go for a walk on the beach?" Lucy " since when does bradford pile the beach? " Tim " well you gave me a different perspective lucy " lucy smiles "LETS GO!!" Celina " where you guys going?" Lucy " fresh air " tim " see you guys in a bit" they walk out Eddie " no you're really going to be bankrupt" chim " maddie is going to kill me " buck " good luck with that Eddie and I are going for coffee" Eddie smirks " see you guys tm"
Bobby " now I'm going to hear about all of that tomorrow " hen chuckles Angela " ladies up to going to the beach" nyla " yes ma'am" Athena " hell yeah " Aaron " are you guys going to stalk them?" Athena "no" nyla "yes we are now let's moveee"

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