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At the station
Lucy and tim some how pull up at the same time
Tim's face lights up as soon as he sees lucy "good morning " lucys face lights up " morningg" tim " you have anything planned for tonight " lucy smirks " I told Tamara I'm going to a quiz thing " tim " good " he's hand pats her leg quickly before Angela comes up to them " we need all hands on deck " tim " what happened ?" All 3 of them walking into the station Angela " Grant escaped" lucy " uh grant Edens?" Angela " yeah" tim " who's grant?" Lucy " uh he is a serial killer his killed about 59 people " Angela " Make that 74 " tim " okay let's move " tim walks into the locker room Angela " call the 118 they need to stay here  " lucy " yeah I will" Angela " why didn't you tell tim?" Lucy " I don't want him to worry " Angela hugs lucy " I've got your back lucy" lucy wipes her tears away " thanks " lucy walks into the locker room and pulls out her phone and dials Eddie's number he immediately picks up " good morninggg" lucy " hey you sound cheery " Eddie " well you know why" lucy wipes a tear away that is falling down her face " yeah" Eddie " lucy what's going on" lucy " Eddie I need you and the 118 to get to the station right now " Eddie " lucy ?" Lucy " ill tell you when you're here okay um please make sure the wife's and kids come with " Eddie " lucy " lucy " just do it okay" Eddie " okay we'll be there in 30 minutes " lucy "bye "
She walks into the bullpen to see every task force Sargent, detective lopez andharper  "Sargent bradford?" Tim immediately walks out of the room " chen?" Lucy " uh I need to talk to you privately " tim " okay" they walk into an interrogation room " what's going on?" Lucy starts to tear up " okay so I need to tell you something it's really hard to say so please don't interprut me or get mad " tim " okay lucy I'm listening " grant is eddies uncle he would look after me my parents would let him look after me and Eddie uh we were about 9 when he brought a guy over he killed him infront of us -" lucy started panicking tim immediately grabbed her and brought her in for a hug he kissed her head " it's okay " after a few minutes they walk out nyla notices " did you just see what I saw?" Angela " hell yeah and they were together this morning but it could just me her telling him about grant" nyla" probably "
Lucy and tim walk out of the interrogation room
They see the 118 sitting in the bullpen grey" lucy do you mind explaining everything to them?" Lucy looks at tim and takes a breathe In " ah yeah " Grey calls Angela,nyla,tim,Celina,aaron, John,Bailey,Tamara In aswell
Grey stands at the podium " thank you Sargent grant for joining and all of you in such short time officer chen has some important things to discuss please listen " lucy walks up tim joins and stands behind her so she knows he's there for her "um okay prisoner grant Edens just escaped " hearing those words eddies heart sank he immediately got up and went to hug lucy chim " what's going on?" Eddie " do you mind?" Tim nodded his head Eddie " grant Edens was my uncle he is the worst of the worst he would kidnapp men, women and torture them so much they they couldn't even talk lucy would come over everyday after school and my uncle started targeting lucy as his next victim one day he brought a man home and made us watch when he was done he went for lucy but the police showed up and-" he stepped away Athena " grant is a dangerous man call in all your family that's in LA he's going to most likely be targeting them buck " chim call maddie " chim " on it" hen " Karen hey I need you, Dany and Mara to come down to the police station " Grey calls Luna and Dominique, Angela calls Wesley, nyla calls James, aaron calls his mom, they all call family lucy steps out to take a breathe tim follows lucy " shouldn't your call genny?" Tim " no she's out of town " lucy "mmmh" tim " I'm here " he gives her a hug " he's coming after me tim" tim " I won't let him lay a finger on you " lucy hugs him tighter Tamara and Celina walk I'm Tamara " ohhh are we interrupting smth?" Celina " we should go " tim " no " Celina and Tamara " we should goo  they giggle walking out lucy " we should head to the group " tim " yeah"

OMW  almost 2k reads I neve even expect 10 people to read this so thank you sm I'll be updating as much as I can on all my current reads I've also started a new one bcs my brain creates so many ahh anyways bye for now 🤓😭😭

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