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Lucy and Bailey have been under for 2 weeks going on dangerous calls tim is always making sure she's okay watching her missing her nobody has contacted her about drugs yet the 118 and lucy and bailey have become very close friends they consider them family
Angela,tim,Athena,Aaron have a meeting in one of the vans
Aaron clearly tired " when do you think they'll make contact" Athena " they're checking her out making sure shes solid " tim " they'll make contact soon" Angela " we've identified the boss Gipson Maidez , he's been around the station" she shows them surveillance photos Athena " today or tomorrow " Aaron " I hope " nyla opens on the door " you guys look like crap" tim rolls his eyes " geez thanks" nyla " I brought each of you clean clothes thorsan I'm Tapping you out grey wants you at the station" Aaron " okay thank you call me if you need anything " Athena " we will" he leaves they update nyla on the case Athena " okay so harper yoy go with bradford ,lopez you're with me " they all leave to their vans nyla " you okay Bradford " tim " yeah I am"
At the fire station
Bobby "Foods ready" all the firefighters lead up to the kitchen " lucy " wow this is amazing " buck " he always cooks the best" Eddie " better than you buck" chim and hen chuckle lucy " um do you think we can give some to tim and the rest I know they haven't eaten properly but I can't give it to them because of my cover" Bailey " let's message them and tim comes as a handy man?" Chim " perfect idea" hen calls tim " hey um we need a handyman our pipes are broken" tim looks at nyla" we're available we'll be there in 1 hour" hen hangs the phone up" they're coming " lucy smiles " um can we go to the shops and get them some stuff?" Bobby " ofc Eddie,buck,chim go with them " they get I to the firetruck and go to the shop Lucy " okay angela probably wants some chocolate and a blanket she puts it into the basket, nyla wants chips and a pillow for her neck, what does Athena like?" Chim grabs some stuff for Athena and then lucy gets tim his favorites and a Sappy movie Bailey " that's his favorite?" Lucy Smiles " uh yeah "
They get back into the station and pack there things I to individual bags lucy writes tim a letter and sneaks it into his bag tim and nyla walk in in handyman clothes lucy sees tim and they immediately smile tim " we're Here for pipes? " Bobby " uh in my office so rina and vic can show you guys " they walk up Eddie " you saw that smile to?" Hen " yeah I did they're so cute" buck " she misses him" chim " I would understand it's been 3 weeks " 
In the office lucy " um here's some food we thought you guys didn't have a proper meal" Bailey " and we individually packed some snacks of each of you" nyla " wow that's so sweet thank you" tim looking at lucy but asks both of them " you guys okay?" Bailey " yeah I just miss john" lucy " yeah I'm okay" tim " good" nyla breaks up there eye contact " you guys have any contact?" Lucy " uh no but a red surdan has been at our apartment everyday 2 guys I'm guessing one is the bodyguard and the other is Gipson " tim " I'm guessing they're going to make contact soon " lucy " I hope so I'm tired " tim " Tamaras okay she's with nolan" lucy " thank you" nyla " we better go thank you fir the goodies " Bailey smiles  you're welcome " lucy smiles " bye guys " tim " bye chen" they leave Bailey hugs lucy " it's okay lucy " lucy " yeah let's get down and go eat" 
They get a call to a building lucy goes inside Gipson grabs her " rina roberts " lucy " who the hell are you?" Gipson " you know me " lucy " no I really don't so let me go my team will be looking for me " Gipson " I will but I'll be at your apartment we need to talk " lucy " yeah we will now let me go" he let's her go lucy goes out to the truck " false alarm let's go" she gets into the truck they drive off " he made contact " Bobby " let Athena know right now" hen " doing it" 
Lucy's apartment buck is there for backup
Gipson knocks on the door Lucy opens it Gipson " backup huh?" Lucy " he's my brother and yes you literally had a gun ti my head so I thought I needed him" buck " what do you want ?" Gipson " let's go for a drive " buck " hell no" Gipsons bodyguard pulls out a gun " let's go" lucy " let me just get a jacket please"  Gipson " you have 10 seconds " lucy goes to the bathroom and takes her gun and puts it in the back of her pants covering it with her jacket she walks out bodyguard " Phones bed now" they put their phones on the bed and walk out...

Hi, I doubt anyone read this but if you did thank you sm I'll be adding more parts later
Please leave suggestions :) I know I'm only focusing on chenford mostly but buddie will happen
Also 6×05 of the rookie killed me I'm not okay they better be okay or I'll jump of a bridge:( and the promo where lucy is like yelling at him what happens If they break up in that scene :(( I CANT RN I LOVE THEN SO MUCH BRO :((
Also 7× 04 we got bi buck I always knew it :) I'm glad they're started with Tommy the journey to Eddie but also the promo where Tommy and buck are on a date and Eddie walks In with a date and says oh you're together so loud buck looks traumatized:)

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