the confession

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Lucy and tim arrive at the beach
Tim opens the door for lucy, lucy grabs the  beers on the back seat and smiles " thanks " tim takes the pack of beers from lucy, lucy roles her eyes" I can carry them on my own I'm not a dazzling in distress " tim laughs " clearly not but you can carry the blanket on the back seat" lucy roles her eyes " FINE " tim watches as he gets the blanket he can't help but look at her ass bounce up and down while she reaches for the blanket

They walk down to the beach and lucy lays the blanket out they both sit down lucy looks at the ocean and the stars shimmering in the background " it's gorgeous " tim looks at lucy " it is indeed" ( he does care about the ocean he means lucy) tim hands her a beer and they  start gossiping and dying Of laughter
Angela " maybe it's not going to happen tonight " Athena " I doubt it she's called buck gorgeous " nyla " we should get going " Angela sighs " atleast we got money for more drinks " they leave

Tim playfully being mean he shrugs his shoulders and takes a sip of his beer" I'm saying you can do better than Stanford "
Lucy roles her eyes playfully " and you know what I deserve huh" tim and lucy were getting really close to eachother " Tim " yes you deserve someone who's worth the effort lucy " lucy smiles " I know I know " tim " do you ?" Lucy just looks at him tim puts his beer on the sand " you deserve someone who will love be there for you when you need them, that will support all your stupid ideas, someone who will hold your hair up when you're puking because you drank way to much,someone who will wipe your tears away, someone who will willingly be by your side everyday someone who is worth the effort " lucy starts crying " yeah" tim wipes her tears away with this thumb lucy " tim if we do this and it doesn't work I'll have ruined the most important relationship In my life " tim " wow " lucy " sorry " tim " no it's okay " lucy " so we should just pretend nothing happened its not worth the risk?" Tim smiles " maybe it is " lucy blushes tim " lucy would you like to get dinner sometime ?" Lucy " yeah yes !!" Tim " yeah " 

The next day
(Lucy and tim had the next few days off so they were going on their date )
Lucy picks a red dress that outlines all hee curves
Tim picks a black shirt with black pants

At the restaurant
Lucy " why's it so awkward " tim " i mean after every meal together we've been shot at but this could lead to naked time " lucy " uh naked time ?, I need you to lower your expectations I mean I want to take us slow have our first kiss I hope that's okay?" Tim smiles " yeah" ( that whole knife story happens
Tim " you wanna go get actual food " lucy smiles " YEA!! IM STARVING "
They go to a little food truck
Tim " hey moron " he shows his badge lucy " you know his just going to break in another car in another neighborhood " tim leans in " that's not my problem " he kisses her his hand the other cupping her face her thigh their tounges exploring eachothers mouths lucy bites Tim's bottom lip he let's out a groan lucy pulls back " you're bleeding " she wiped the blood away with her thumb staring directly into his eyes Tim smiles " thanks " lucy " mmhh" tim breaks the eye contact " how about a movie at my place ?" Lucy smiles " yes please!"

At Tim's place
Tim hands her a glass of oj " okay what would you like to watch" lucy patting the couch for tim to sit next to her "uh Angela said top chefs pretty good" he sits down leaving a space in between them and puts top Chef on lucy "you don't have to sit so far " lucy puts her legs on the couch and indicates she wants to cuddle tim places his head on her chest " isn't this better " tim lifts his head " yeah" the kiss passionatly " mmmh it's starting" they watch about 3 episodes then fall asleep lucy wakes up and checks the time " tim" he wakes up "mmh" lucy " it's 11 Tamaras going to be worried " tim getting up slowly kisses lucy "we better get you home" lucy " I don't want to go" tim" you have to"

Tim drops her off at her apartment
Tamara watches the say there goodbyes and quickly rushes to the couch to act "normally" lucy walks in " hey" Tamara " you're home late " lucy " I know I'm sorry I had to work late " Tamara " okay well there's pizza in the fridge I'm going to head to be I have school tm" lucy " thank you" Tamara " good night" lucy " good night tam" Tamara heads to bed lucy flops on the couch and puts a Sappy movie on her phone rings about 20 minutes later its tim she picks it up " hey " tim " did I wake you ?" Lucy smiles " no i was waiting for you to let me know when you're home " tim smirks " oh so you care about me" lucy "SHUT UP" tim laughs " well I'm home " lucy smiles " good " tim " ill see you tomorrow " lucy " I'll see you tomorrow tim" tim " Sleep tight " lucy " goodnight " tim " night luce" the call ended she immediately shot up and put the movie off she headed to bed knowing that her man is safe:)

A/N : hii sorry for not updating just been busy with studies ill be updating more regularly

I just want to say over 1K views omfg I don't expect to get over 10 let alone 1k omw
Thank you for reading go check out my other story captain and Sargent!!

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