12: Going to America

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Maui Finds Issei and his Friends at The Park that didn't have a Fountain, he lands on the Ground and turns back to his Human self, he told Issei about what he heard at The Meeting, Issei was now going to be haunted down by other supernatural beings then the Devils, they tried to figure out something they could do to Escape but Issei remembers seeing a magazine that had a picture of a Town called St. Peanutsburg, they decided to go to America until everything starts to settle down, Issei quickly went back to his apartment as he started packing for the Trip, when he was finished packing his stuff and left the Apartment and locked the door behind him, he made up with his friends at the Docks as Maui shape-shifted into a big Hawk as Issei and his Friends got on his back, Maui flipped his wings and started flying away and headed to America, it took them a day to get there until they finally arrive at The Docks of St. Peanutsburg.

They got off from Maui's Back as he turned back to his human-self.

They Looked at The Town and saw Kids Playing and Humans minding their business while some are playing sports and cooking.

Issei: I can't believe we're actually at America.

Taiyo: This is what they do in America.

Deku: I could finally meet the Number one American Hero, Star and Stripe.

Maui: Who is that?

Deku: she is the opposite of All Might, she has a Quirk called New Order, it's like one for all but it's very Powerful when she uses it against Villains.

Maui: Isn't she like a Goddess or Something?

Deku: She is Human but with New Order, she is much different.

Maui: Oh?

Issei: Come on, let's find a place to stay.

They went to The Town as they started to search for a place to stay but there wasn't anything to stay sense the houses are already used by people.

Eventually they found somewhere to stay when Maui saved a boy from getting hit by a Car by using his Fishhook to catch him before the car hit him.

The boy is 11 years old and has dark brown hair and eyes as he is wearing a Watch that can allow him to see Yokai.

His name is Nathan Adams Aka Nate.

Just then two Yokai spirit appeared as catch up with Nate

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Just then two Yokai spirit appeared as catch up with Nate.

The Yokai that looks like a Ghost is A Yokai Butler name Whisper.

The Cat Yokai who has two tails, red hair on his body and white hair on his face and hands and feet is Jibanyan

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The Cat Yokai who has two tails, red hair on his body and white hair on his face and hands and feet is Jibanyan.

Nate took them to his home and his parents thank them, they didn't know how to sleep on a bed since they usually slept on the ground back at Japan but Maui slept on the ground during his time before his death

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Nate took them to his home and his parents thank them, they didn't know how to sleep on a bed since they usually slept on the ground back at Japan but Maui slept on the ground during his time before his death.

Issei: so you guys sleep on these beds?

Nate: Yes, me and my family used to live in Japan until my dad got a new Job here and we moved to this Town, but I got used to the new things around here.

Issei: I see...

Maui: is it OK to sleep on the Ground with these towels?

He said as he holds towels that were from the bathroom.

Nate: Sure, you just have to ask my mom first.

Maui nodded and went downstairs.

Nate: He is not around here isn't he?

Issei: Nope, he is from Hawaii.

Nate: Hawaii?

Issei: Yup.

Nate: Oh?

(30 Minutes Later)

Maui sleeps on the Ground as he is laying down on the towels.

Issei sleeps on the couch, Taiyo sleeps on the Ground by using pillows to make it to a Bed, and l Deki sleeps on the carpet with a blanket and a pillow.

Nate and The Two Yokai slept as his parents slept on the bed in their room.

Issei: Tomorrow will be a new start.

He Said as he started to sleep.

(Meanwhile at Bada-Bing Tower)

Momo Yozakura & Blackbeard sat down as they Look at The Ghoulfather.


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Ghoulfather: so you gentlemen have a problem with this Red Dragon that is in the way of your Plan?

Momo: Indeed... he has already outsmarted my children and hasn't been captured by The Devil Patrol, he is known to be dangerous when he uses that Sacred Gear.

Ghoulfather: I see...

Blackbeard: What can you do about it?

Ghoulfather: my men are still searching for my UFO but haven't found it yet, but if this Red Dragon could be a problem to us, then I'll have my men kill him.

Momo: is there any chance you could bring him dead or alive? because I need some of his blood for my Plan.

Blackbeard: Why do we need his blood for?

Momo: Heavenly Dragons are known to have Blood that has powerful energy to reincarnate a Human into a Humanoid Dragon or make them half the abilities of a Dragon, we might make something out of it.

Blackbeard: Zehahahaha! you sure know how to be smart when you made this Plan.

Ghoulfather: Indeed... (smirks)

To be Continued...

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