64: Yasaka & Nurarihyon

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I don't even know why he will keep this thing if he was not going to use it? Said Ataru's Mother.

At least we are getting rid of it along with the rest of his stuff. Said Ataru's Father.

They were angered after hearing what Ataru did to Lum at School causing her to join the Serpent Faction.

She taps on the machine and it exploded causing the Moroboshi residence to be destroyed.

The Neighbors saw the explosion as they see the entire residence being burned to the ground.

A mushroom cloud filled with smoke was coming from the burning residence of the moroboshi family

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A mushroom cloud filled with smoke was coming from the burning residence of the moroboshi family.

Everyone in The City of Tokyo saw the explosion.

Man 1: What the hell happened there?

Man 2: Probably some idiots messing around with fire like anyone else in this city.

you might be wondering why the machine exploded when Ataru's Mother tapped on it?

Well, before Ataru run away from home again, Lum made build a machine that could make the spicy food that she always made him.

But after she left to join the Serpent Faction, she forgot to destroy the machine since it had timer to explode which she had forgotten to take it off.

Now Ataru's Parents are Homeless.

The Woman on the left is Ataru's Mother and the Man on the right is Ataru's Father

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The Woman on the left is Ataru's Mother and the Man on the right is Ataru's Father.

Ataru's Mother: Our house...

Ataru's Father: is gone...

At the docks there was the Entire Tokyo Police Force are still waiting for the ships to arrive.

However hours went by and the ships didn't show up that wasted the entire police force time.

They decided to cut it off and went back home.

Ataru's tormentors didn't get the chance to get to Japan after the police force called it off.

However they found out about Ataru's House being destroyed and they didn't know what to do.

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