21: Crash in Tokyo

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Issei explained everything to Marinette about what's going on, she understood when Ddraig introduced himself through the Booster Gear.

Issei: Now that Marinette is Part of The Dragon Faction, we need to find Usagi Tsukino & Kankichi Ryotsu.

Taiyo: Aren't they at Tokyo?

Issei: They are, and Ataru... you're definitely not going to like it.

Ataru: Wait What?!

He says with a shocking look on his face.

(Scene change)

(Location: Tokyo)



Usagi Tsukino is a schoolgirl with blond hair with two ponytails and blue colored eyes.

Ataru is holding her while running away from her House where she was left outside when her mother saw her bad grade.

(Usagi Tsukino)

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(Usagi Tsukino)

Boy 1: THERE HE IS!!


Ataru turns his head to see a group of boys running after him.

They are members of The Most Hated Club that is lead by Lum's Stormtroopers.

Ataru: S***!

He says as he continues running while holding Usagi on his Arms.

(Somewhere at Tokyo)

A Man is shooting bullets at The Cops as he started running away.

The Man is Kankichi Ryotsu.

He has black hair, black colored eyes, and is a former cop that was charge for being a corrupt cop.

In truth... he didn't know he was doing.

Since he has known to be reckless and destructive when it comes to his mistakes.

(Kankichi Ryotsu)

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(Kankichi Ryotsu)


He shouted as he hears police sirens, he turns his head to see police cars chasing after him.

He noticed Ataru running next to him while still holding Usagi on his Arms.

The Most Hated Club is still running after Ataru but they stopped when Ataru & Kankichi run past the light as the Cars crash into each other blocking the path where The Most Hated Club stopped.

The Police Cars stopped in their track when they saw the crash cars blocking their path.

Ataru takes out his walkie-talkie and shouted ISSEI, USED TELEPORTATION MAGIC NOW! I GOT THEM!

Issei: Got it.

He uses teleportation magic to teleport Ataru and The Two out from the Streets of Tokyo.

Boy 1: Wait, did you see that?

Boy 2: Nope.

Boy 3: I need to get out more...

(Scene change)

(Location: Unknown)

Momo Yozakura, Blackbeard, and The Ghoulfather Looked at The Empty Throne that was once sat down by Diodora Astaroth.

Blackbeard: This is where that bastard once sat down when he was still alive.

Momo: He was killed by Shalba Beelzebub before he was Escaped when The Red Dragon Emperor awoken Juggernaut Drive.

The Ghoulfather: Devils are such selfish creatures when it comes to their own pride.

Blackbeard: The Four Great Satans and The Underworld Council Never knew about his monstrous nature when he try to rape that Nun name Asia.

Momo: He was using her as a hostage to make Issei attack him.

Blackbeard: what are we doing here exactly?

Momo: For that...

He said as he looks at the spot where Diodora was killed.

They see traces of his blood on the Ground.

Momo takes out a needle and sucks the blood inside.

The Ghoulfather: what are you planning to do with that blood?

Momo: Makoto will make something out of this, he knows what do.

The Ghoulfather: That could explain why you also took blood from that disgusting corpse.

He Said as he Looks at Freed's dead demon body on the Ground.

It was caught in half and was in a puddle of its own blood.

The Ghoulfather: Disgusting...

Momo; Indeed...

He Said as he looks at the needle that has the blood of Diodora.

To be Continued...

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