62: Meeting of The Holy Council

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(The Next Day)

(Location: Pangaea Castle)

Sword Maiden is sitting down as the members of the Holy Council sat down at the long table.

Thank you all for coming... as you know, we had been having reports of many incidents that involved corruption and the supernatural. Said Sword Maiden.

(Sword Maiden)

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(Sword Maiden)

Sakura: There has been companies that were shut down due to their reputation being damaged for Corruption.

A Game Company called RECT Inc. has been shut down after ALfheim online became one of the most Terrifying games in History.

Sword Maiden: Why's that?

Sakura: Apparently, The CEO of RECT Inc. has resigned and retired from the company after learning what his daughter had been through in the game and due to Nobuyuki and his team's inhuman experiments on 300 SAO Players.

Sugou Nobuyuki was The Fairy King in ALfheim online aka Fairy dance game and was in charge of the company, his experiment was to imprisoned 300 SAO Survivors in order to complete the World Tree's Purpose in one game.

They were experimented for research in manipulating memories and emotions.

However the experiment wasn't complete due to one SAO player that ruined his plan.

His name was Kirito.

Sword Maiden: Kirito?

Sakura: Yes, He was the one who stopped Sugou and his inhuman experiments.

Futaba: Why did that happen in the first place?

Sakura: According to the files, RECT's FullDive Division was let by Sugou Nobuyuki, took charge of the Sword Art online servers after Argus went bankrupt due to The SAO Incident.

The reason for Fairy dance is to be a much safer console then NerveGear, and created ALfheim online.

However Sugon lost his mind and started living a fancy world inside the game thinking that he is its creator, king, and god.

He sure lost his mind, after he was defeated in the game, he tried to kill Kirigaya Kazuto at the parking lot at the hospital during a snowy night, however he was able to attack Sugon and take his knife, he was about to slit his throat but stopped and left him there alone until the cops found him and arrested him on the spot.

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