85: Trojan Horse

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Everyone in Japan saw The Angels Falling from the Sky as they crashed into different locations in the City.

A Angel landed on top of the window in front of the van where the driver was looking at the road.

The Angel glowed white causing the drivers eyes to bleed as he shouted My eyes! my eyes!

He couldn't see where he was going as he ended up crashing through a Shogun restaurant.

Another driver was also driving and saw a female Angel with glowing white eyes looking at him which also made his eyes bleed.

I can't see! I can't see! Shouted the driver as he drove through the police station and crashed.

Cop 1: It's a whole new level of crazy these days.

Cop 2: Tell me about it...

(Scene change)

(Location: Orario)

Bell was running to the spot where he met Lili while making sure not to be spotted by Hera's Romans

He arrived to the spot and saw nothing.

Bell: Lili?

He said but only heard the wind.

Bell: Lili?

Bell? Said a voice behind him.

He turns to see Lili looking at him.

(Liliruca Arde)

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(Liliruca Arde)

Bell: Lili... I'm so sorry-

Lili stopped him from finishing his sentence when she hugs him.

Bell: Lili.

Lili: I'm just happy you're back...

Bell smiles as he hugs her back.

I'm happy to be back too... Said Bell.

They broke the hug and started to talk.

Bell: What happened here?

Lili: Ever since you left, Hera has taken over Orario after Freya's death.

She has executed 100 Adventurers and those who were involved of your suffering.

Bell: What?

Lili: Remember that Man who tried to kill me?

Bell then remembered the man who tried to kill her when they first met and abandoned her in the dungeon after beating and left her for dead.

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