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Zheng Bei felt that his brother Pei was really obsessed with things. He couldn't believe that the person who was picking and choosing in the bookstore now was Pei Shao.

  Just before that, Pei Shao rejected the proposal to go out to play together tonight.

  Pei Shao's hand full of veins, which he usually used to beat people, was holding a stack of exercises at the moment, and his serious look made him feel somewhat inconsistent.

  The key thing that makes him feel very strange is that if Brother Pei chooses Ran Xinglan, it would make sense. He would study hard under the guidance of a top student, or to gain Ran Xinglan's favor and then resolve to change, although he didn't think there would be anything. effect. But Brother Pei chose Jiang Li in the end, which was very strange. Jiang Li probably couldn't teach Brother Pei anything, right?

  But he never expected that what Pei Shao wanted to do was actually take his partner away.

  In the past two days, he had carefully learned about the college entrance examination, subjects and question types in this world. In fact, it was not as complicated as the mecha knowledge they learned in the federation. He basically browsed the textbooks and already had a general system in his mind. It's just that he has only read part of the teaching materials. The original owner's foundation is very poor, so the memory of the original owner he inherited is also empty in this regard, so he still needs to be familiar with all the teaching materials first.

  As for why I bought these exercises, it was naturally for Jiang Li.

  When Pei Shao was in the academy, it wasn't like there were no classmates who came to ask questions, but they didn't seem to understand them well, so he naturally wanted to learn the conventional solutions. He said he wanted to go to college with Jiang Li and he wasn't just talking about it. I don't want Ah Li to drop out of school like in the original plot.

  When Pei Shao returned home, his aunt had already prepared a meal. In the past, the original owner rarely came back to eat, and always went out to hang out with his friends. However, the hired aunt never stopped eating. The main reason is that Pei's father and Pei's mother have been away from home and cannot personally care about the life of the original owner. They have to ask more for the aunt they invited, hoping that they can take good care of their son and the relative salary is also good.

  The aunt's surname was Wang, and Pei Shao usually called her Aunt Wang. She was obviously very surprised to see Pei Shao come back at this point, and then hurriedly served the food that had just been prepared.

  Pei Shao was actually not used to seeing the enthusiastic aunt. He didn't really like having other people at home. The housekeepers in the federal home are all intelligent robots and do not have human emotions, which makes people feel more at ease.

  Just when he had this unaccustomed feeling, he remembered the aggrieved look of Ah Li during the day. Ah Li must have been very unhappy at Ran's house. According to the original plot, no one in that bunch was good to Ah Li at all. And now is a critical moment. They actually don't have much time to study together now. It would be better if they could live together.

  Pei Shao remembered that the original owner's family was in real estate and might have a house near the school, so after dinner, he called Pei's father based on the original owner's memory.

  The call was connected shortly after. Judging from the movement on the phone, it must be a bit busy.

  Father Pei's majestic voice came over: "What trouble have you encountered?"

  Although Pei's father's tone was not gentle enough, Pei Shao still heard kindness from it. His personality was somewhat similar to his father's. For this reason, Pei Shao didn't feel embarrassed at all.

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