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Pei Shao was frightened by his Ah Li's crying, but he also held the boy's face and wiped it in time. He was worried that if others in the corridor discovered their relationship, it would be bad for Jiang Li, so he coaxed him, "Don't cry, don't cry. Let's find another place where there's no one and talk slowly, okay?"

  Jiang Li's nose was red. He knew that this bastard was worried that their relationship would be exposed. He was a little rebellious and refused to move. He just wanted everyone to know what kind of crazy things this bastard had done to him!

  When I held him, I always said nice things to him, but now I change my face as soon as I tell him to reveal the relationship!

  However, Jiang Li was essentially well-behaved. After being whispered in his ear for a few words, he followed Pei Shao obediently. Pei Shao was completely unfamiliar with this area, so he casually led him into the bathroom and closed the door.

  Now the two of them were in a closed space, Pei Shao was not worried that others would see them, so he pinched Jiang Li's red nose and pretended to scold him, "You little heartless person, I took the time to come and see you, but you don't even appreciate it."

  When Ah Li saw him just now, he didn't seem to have any contact with Bai Leyu, so it should be fine. Anyway, Ah Li didn't know the relationship between the original Pei Shao and that person.

  The key is that there is really no relationship between them.

  Jiang Li was so angry at his ability to confuse right and wrong that he almost cried: "Are you really here to see me? You are not here to see your old lover... Aren't you here to look for other people? And you are chatting with them so happily, and you are so affectionate."

  "Nonsense, there's no way I would care about him. Besides, if I were to look for someone else, I wouldn't do it under Lili's nose. Do I really want to be discovered by you?" Pei Shao couldn't explain why Bai Leyu came so close to him, he could only ensure that his attitude was correct.

  Jiang Li thought to himself, doesn't that prove that you love him very much?

  But when he thought about it carefully, the sponsor did seem to have a bad attitude just now. Maybe he really misunderstood?

  But the sponsor gave up on himself for this person in his previous life, and now maybe he is still in the adjustment stage with Bai Leyu, so they are having a quarrel.

  Jiang Li was still unhappy thinking about this, but this life was much better than the previous one. Just now, he appeared in front of the sponsor's old lover, but the sponsor did not explain to that person, which meant that the sponsor might still be reluctant to let him go.

  Jiang Li was determined to get promoted, so he started to make plans for himself.

  "Then you are not allowed to meet him alone again, so that I can believe what you said is true."

  Pei Shao naturally agreed immediately. He wished that the other party would stay away from him. The originally simple world of love was made a mess by the scumbag's various white moonlights, which always made Ah Li angry.

  "Then you have to stick to me more in the future, otherwise you won't have any chance." Pei 'the old pervert' Shao looked at Jiang Li's charming appearance and began to seek benefits for himself.

  He abstained from sex for several weeks and missed Jiang Li very much. It would be fine if he was alone and could concentrate on his work, but when the person was in front of him, it was easy for him to be distracted.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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