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Before leaving, Xie Jing paused at the door of the classroom and said specifically to Pei Shao: "I don't know what you committed in the hands of your old class. I don't care about it. You don't have to stand behind you in math class from now on." Listening to lectures is not efficient."

  After saying that, he returned to the office with his textbook. He suddenly felt that Pei Shao's IQ seemed to be pretty good. His poor grades were probably because he really didn't put his mind on studying before. There are not such students. Generally speaking, as long as they are serious Very explosive.

  Although he didn't know whether Pei Shao planned to study seriously now or what the situation was like in other subjects, he still hoped that it would be great if his class could get the highest score in math in the city.

  Xie Jing had no class in the next period, so he planned to go back to the office to drink some water and take a rest.

  There are not many teachers in the office now. They are several teachers sharing a large office, but Teacher Wang, the head teacher of Pei Shao's class, is sitting in his office.

  Wang Zhiyong only serves as the head teacher and Chinese teacher of Class 1 of the experimental class, so he does not have many courses, but he has a lot to worry about. He is still analyzing the results of the latest exam, which was the final exam of last semester.

  Which students can be caught in the subject, which students are the seedlings of Qingbei, and which students seem to have little hope. He plans to talk to each of them when the time comes.

Wang Zhiyong saw Xie Jing saying hello with a smile and continued his analysis.

  The Experimental Class 1 and Experimental Class 2 of every senior high school class are in a competitive relationship. They are two science classes. One class emphasizes science and despises liberal arts. Naturally, the strongest teachers are placed in the two science classes preparing for the exam. The results of Class 2 have always been on par with Class 1, but the last time Class 1 fell behind in average scores in several subjects, Wang Zhiyong naturally held a breath in his heart and planned to get it back when he was exactly the same.

  Xie Jing was just a teacher, so he was relatively free. He sat in his seat, opened the thermos cup and took a sip of water. He said slowly, "Old Wang, I think you can keep an eye on Pei Shao, the classmate in your class."

  He has always been interested in classmates who are good at mathematics, and he also understands that Pei Shao is probably the one Wang Zhiyong wants to give up, so he plans to say a few words.

  Wang Zhiyong replied without raising his head: "Did he cause trouble in Teacher Xie's class again? We should really keep an eye on him to avoid ruining the learning atmosphere of the students in the class."

  Xie Jing knew that Wang Zhiyong didn't understand what he meant, so he added: "I feel that this classmate Pei Shao has potential as long as he studies hard. He just performed well in my math class."

"I don't know him yet, and Teacher Xie, you don't have to say good things for him, but Gao Cheng, Ran Xinglan and the others should be fine, right?" Wang Zhiyong changed the subject as he spoke, obviously not caring about Pei Shao. .

  "They are all classmates with very good study attitudes, so there is no need to worry..." Xie Jing was not the class teacher after all, and there was no need to meddle in other people's business. Seeing that Wang Zhiyong didn't look too serious, he didn't say anything more.

  In the third year of high school, he mainly studies on his own, and the teacher's supervision can only play some role. As long as Pei Shao is willing to learn, he feels that he can still get better results, and he does not necessarily need the care of the class teacher.

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