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           As for the talent show "Producer", it's not a big deal. After a few days, there's basically no wave. Only a few editing accounts with low traffic have edited it. Except for a few die-hard fans, most of the audience has not reacted yet.

So when everyone saw the video clip of Jiang Li dancing, they had no idea what kind of show it was, but that didn't stop them from drooling over him.

  "Ahhhhhhhh this is absolutely amazing!!"

  "I can do this with such a handsome little brother!"

  "Fuck this waist! Doesn't this little brother know what rice is?"

  At the same time, many people were asking who this dancing boy was. Although the screen was full of screaming comments, there were still many people asking this question.

  At this time, the fans of "Producer" feel that they have found their place. It is usually very difficult to recommend this obscure variety show to people around them. It is so hard to recommend it to others. It is rare that one day someone will come and ask about it.

  So I responded enthusiastically in the barrage: "This little brother is a contestant in 'Producer', he dances Chinese dance very well, sisters can go and see it!"

  As fans who have been watching the show since it was first aired, they are naturally the first batch. When they saw the contestants at the beginning, they were not moved at all and even a little disappointed. There are reasons why the show is not popular. Lack of money is one of the reasons, and the main reason is that high-quality young men basically will not come to participate in this show. There are so many talent shows in China, many of which are more popular than "Producer".

  Although they were a little disappointed, they still continued to watch. One of the important reasons why they wanted such a small variety show was that they liked the pleasure of training, and their basic goal was to lock on the most outstanding-looking contestants. Watching them grow step by step, and even have good development in the future, is a very fulfilling thing.

  However, they were still surprised when they saw the boy in red. It's not that there weren't good-looking contestants in previous years, but this one was considered the best among them.

  The key is!

  This little brother actually has something! He is not just a vase!

  Although they also like vases as long as they are motivated, this young man's dancing is simply amazing, his waist is a waist and his legs are legs.

  With Jiang Li's example, the audience unconsciously raised their expectations for other contestants, either to be prettier or more talented than others, or at least one of them. This idea also made them feel a little disappointed with other contestants.

  So when Bai Leyu appeared this time, he did not amaze everyone. Although his dance was simple in his previous life, his temperament and appearance were good, and he looked very gentle, so he made a very good first impression on the audience.

  This time it was a little bit mediocre.

  After watching the show, everyone was a little depressed because the best-looking boy didn't appear in many scenes, except for his first show. They only caught the smug expression of the boy in red sitting under the stage at the end. He only appeared in the camera for two or three seconds, but it was very eye-catching. Although they didn't know what happened, he was really too cute! ! !

  Those who watched the show after watching the editing by the blogger "I Only Love Lili" watched that scene several times.

  Throughout the entire show, wherever Jiang Li appeared, there were a terrifying amount of barrages, but it was much quieter at other times.

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