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Ran Xinglan could never forget Jiang Li's attitude towards him yesterday. There were obvious red marks on the wrist holding the pen, and he could also feel some stinging pains carefully.


  He pretended to be so similar in front of Pei Shao, but his true colors were revealed as soon as he saw him.

  Ran Xinglan's mind was not on the problem at hand. He sat in his seat in a daze. There was a notebook on the desk, which recorded a math problem that he couldn't solve.

  Gao Cheng is also writing furiously, as if he has been stimulated since that day. Although he is in the same study group with him, he has not paid much attention to him in recent days. Instead, he has been doing math problems like crazy. .

  Ran Xinglan didn't like this change very much. Of course, what made him most unhappy was Pei Shao's change, and he couldn't accept it either.

  Thinking of the way his nanny's son showed off his power in front of him, Ran Xinglan felt that he could not let things continue to develop like this.

  He didn't understand why he made Pei Shao angry and made him become angry so quickly, but it didn't matter. He could reluctantly bow his head first.

  Ran Xinglan now felt that Pei Shao was probably deliberately irritating him, so he went out of his way to be extra nice to Jiang Li, so that Jiang Li could even be embarrassed in front of him. He has compromised now, and he also believes that as long as Pei Shao can see hope again, he will definitely abandon Jiang Li immediately.

  With this in mind, he looked at Pei Shao's seat and saw that the person he had always been with was not there. He hesitated for a moment, then got up and walked over with his notebook.

Ran Xinglan was not very experienced in showing weakness. After all, he had never shown such a cold expression before, but after touching his wrist, he had no hesitation. He looked at the person who lowered his head and wrote and drew seriously, and felt that it was not so unpleasant to him. If this person could behave like this in the future, he could have a slightly better attitude towards him.

  Pei Shao is sorting out some science stuff. Now Ah Li has made a lot of progress in mathematics, but science is still not very good. He has just summarized the physics textbooks in the past few days and plans to make plans slowly after Ah Li moves out. .

  The leader placed the notebook on Pei Shao's desk.

  The notes that Pei Shao was sorting were suddenly covered. He had no choice but to look up and saw only Ran Xinglan's cold and cold face.

  He thought that his alienated attitude was very obvious from the beginning. He recalled the original plot and knew that the original plot seemed to have this direction. Maybe the man in front of him was guilty of vanity, so he simply stated his position.

  "Sorry, I don't have time right now."

  Killing everything that overlapped with the original plot in the cradle, Pei Shao suddenly felt that the nodes in this world were quite good.

  Ran Xinglan originally took the initiative to seek peace, thinking that he was sacrificing his face, but he never expected that Pei Shao would reject him. Thinking of Pei Shao's attitude towards him in the past few times, he suddenly felt a little flustered.

  Is it because of Jiang Li that the other party becomes like this?

  Ran Xinglan didn't want to suffer the disadvantage of being dumb again. He planned to make it clear, so he asked directly: "Is it because Jiang Li doesn't let you get close to me?"

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