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Pei Shao could see that Jiang Li was absolutely serious about this matter, and he would take a lot of time to practice every day. At this time, he didn't show any squeamishness at all, but was working hard and seriously.

  He didn't know that Jiang Li was secretly holding his breath, he just thought that the other party was indeed very interested in this industry.

  The talent show "Producer" is not a very popular program among the people, and it can even be said to be relatively obscure, so Zhou Yang did not agree to let Jiang Li participate at first.

 However, for those who have no background but want to seize the opportunity, this popularity is especially important. Of course, most of the time, other entertainment companies send their own trainees to test the waters, and the training time is usually not very long.

  The real ace trainees of these companies naturally have better resources. There are many talent shows in China, and many of them are more popular than "The Producer". Among them, the one closest to it is another talent show that will be broadcast more than a month after it is aired. In previous years, most of the traffic has been absorbed by them.

  In previous years, this small variety show did not have any well-known advertising investors. Without funds, there would not be such strong publicity. However, this year, the directors did not expect that there would be a sponsor to come and invest.

  Pei Shao didn't really want anything in return, he just wanted Jiang Li to be able to participate in the show with peace of mind, and he could protect him under his nose.

  Jiang Li was sweating profusely while dancing in the practice room. His white T-shirt stuck to his body tightly, making his waist look even more slender and flexible. At this moment, he was leaning his legs against the wall to stretch them. His delicate earlobes were leaning against his instep from time to time, just like taking a break.

  After Zhou Yang came in and explained the work to him, he couldn't help but look at his own artist. The person in front of him had a ruddy complexion, and his untouched face was naturally delicate. Even though his hair was wet with sweat, he didn't look embarrassed at all, but rather sexy and charming.

  No wonder President Pei cares so much about him.

  Zhou Yang spoke with some envy about what Pei Shao had done for Jiang Li. He and Jiang Li had been getting along for a long time, and he was not much older than Jiang Li, so they could basically joke around without any awkwardness.

  "I really don't know how lucky you are. The busy President Pei also went to discuss the investment for this small program just for you." It is obvious that the effort and reward are not equal.

  Jiang Li was stunned at first, as the sponsor had not told him about this, but then he began to feel secretly happy. He put his legs down, stretched in front of the mirror, and replied proudly, "Because I look good." As long as the sponsor is not blind, he will love a lover like him well.

  Jiang Li had no doubt about his own charm. In his opinion, he was more worthy of the sponsor than that boy named Bai Leyu.

  Zhou Yang listened to his infuriating words and clicked his tongue. However, he admitted that not everyone could grow up like this. After all, innate advantages are still advantages.

  He left the practice room without staying long, and on his way out he bumped into the person who was the subject of the previous topic.

  "Mr. Pei." Zhou Yang greeted.

  Pei Shao had just finished his work and thought of coming to see Ah Li and bringing him lunch. He must be exhausted from practicing in the practice room all the time.

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