Chapter 5

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There was no surprise when Nevanthi was the first one to find a perch upon a small ledge, resting just within earshot of the prisoner's cave entrance. It was hidden by a cluster of random shrubs growing on the cliffside. It gave them some much needed cover from being seen and the earthly shrubbery covered their scent to some degree. However, it only gave them coverage from the front and a small bit to either side of them. With the right gust of wind, the lush green covered branched could sway and reveal them to anyone down below. A breeze could just as easily carry their scent down to the wolves that Nevanthi was attempting to spy on in the first place. 

Nevanthi lowered herself onto her belly, attempting to keep herself as close to the ground as she possibly could. The lower she could get, the more hidden she would remain from those down below. She poked her nose under the brush and lay quietly as Sentaiya worked her way over and nestled up against her right side in an attempt to fit both of them on the same tiny ledge. 

"We shouldn't be here." 

The words may have been whispered, but Nevanthi's gaze snapped towards Sentaiya so quickly it was a surprise her head hadn't spun all the way around. Her eyes narrowed with a small warning glare followed by a light smack on the snout with her paw. 

"Quiet, I don't want to be found out before finding anything out." 

Nevanthi's whispered plea along with the smack had stunned Sentaiya into silence. 

When certain that her friend was finally silenced for the time being, Nevanthi quickly turned her attention to the conversation happening below them. Her ears were raised at attention so she could hear as best she could. All the while, she had to keep her tail from flicking back and forth excitedly, not wanting the thumping and rustling of leaves to give her and Sentaiya away. Laying as silently as possible was the key to remaining hidden from the wolves they were trying to listen in on. 

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Down below where the girls had been hiding, Astix and their prisoner sat while Satix paced back and forth in front of them. Both blue and amber orbs followed the back and forth pacing, waiting in patience for the wolf to begin. If Satix didn't start asking questions soon, Astix was more than ready to begin asking and take control of the interrogation. Especially since his twin was already on edge and near his snapping point with this whole situation. That was something that needed to be watched before he did something he would have regretted. 

"Let's start simple, shall we? You must have a name?" 

Satix stopped pacing, turning his large black body on their silver furred prisoner. His amber gaze remaining locked with the pale wolf's ice blue eyes, waiting impatiently for the answer he was seeking from him. 


The simple response was spoken with little to no emotion, a stoic feel radiating off of the silver wolf. . . now known as Ataraxia. 

Black fur bristled, Satix getting all worked up over the response for some reason. Whether it was due to the bluntness of the response or simply because Ataraxia had responded so easily, it was a mystery. Why Satix was getting so upset and worked up baffled his twin, especially since this was what they were trying to get from the blue eyed wolf. 

A quiet sigh escaped from Astix, a slow shake of his head was close to follow the sigh. Even though he had tried to hide the action from his brother, both Satix and Ataraxia still heard him and turned to pin him with curious looks. An intense curiosity and suspicion grew within his twin's pinning gaze he could feel but had yet to acknowledge. 

"Something on your mind brother?" 

Astix's head snapped up, his amber eyes meeting with his twin's own amber eyes. For a moment he stared in silence, but shook his head not wanting to irritate Satix anymore than he already was. 

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