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"The swing will might broke, get up Riza beti" those words. I looked around and he spoke again. "Don't look for me, I'm not there." I wiped my tears away.

My father, Ashok Singh, first he left me and my mom, now he is stalking me. "Are you stalking me father?" I asked. I'm no longer going to cry for this man.

"I'm just letting you know that a father will always have his eyes on his daughter " this man. He left us when I'm 10. It's been more than 10 years and now he is–
My jaw clenched hard.

"You're not my father!" I shouted. "Don't think that I'll come back to you Ashok." I call him by name. I didn't regret. He is not my father also he never been a good father to me.

"You're just like your mother, she don't know what is good and bad." I heard those monster laughing from the other side.

"Yes, that's why she choose you." I said and didn't Waited for him to speak. I hung up. I don't want to hear those damn bullshits.

I walked out from the park. Tears rolled down from my eyes. I took big steps forward.  Oh god why this happening to me?

First I lost my father, then my mother, then my aunt who raised me. Now my father is popping up out of the blue and saying that he always have an eye around me.

What does I do? What does he is going to do?
God, Help me. I don't have anyone expect you. You brought everyone from my life. You brought those one's whom I loved more.

Tears won't stop. I let them flow. Wtf i need to stop them. There is no one who is going to cry with me, then wtf if I cry.

I bump into someone. My gaze went to the person I bump.

Black jacket, tshirt, Jeans. My eyes went all the way up to his face. Tiny moustache and beard.
A mole above the corner of his lips. Perfectly fixed hair, softly shining eyes.

I was so lost in my thoughts that i didn't even noticed that I've reached the apartment.

"Ohh sorry." I said as I step back from him. His eyes Changed within a minute. They're burning now.

I wiped my tears away and entered to the elevator.
Pressed the number 6.

The door slowly shuts.

Tears rolled down from my eyes as I think how this night was going to. Hell is better than my situation.


My jaw clenched hard as I walked out from the elevator and someone bumped in my body.

She is short for instance her head hit my chest. The fragrance of jasmine filled my lungs. Her, it's her.

That annoying bitch and that thief. "Ohh, sorry" she said as she stepped back.

Her eyes are red, her hand made a move to her cheeks. She hid them and walked past me.

Is she crying? Her eyes are red and her cheek is wet. Oh god. Why does my heart ache?

I let out a small sigh.
No Rehan, don't do that.

But I want to–

No, she entered in your apartment without your permission!

I ignored the voices in my head like a teenager ignore his maths test. I turned my heels to the elevator.
It floated upwards. She gone.

Who the hell she is?
Hear come my inner voice again.

Why do you care?
Who is she for you?

That's a right qwestion. She's nothing to me.

I walked to the parking area.

My hands curled up in the steering, unaware of where to go. Why do I came here now? Am I insane? No way.

I rested my head on the seat unable to answer the questions in my head.

Why does her  face appearing in my head?
Why do I care? Who is she for me?
Why does my heart ache at the sight of crying her?

Fuck it I'm thinking of a girl who entered in her neighbours apartment without permission.

That annoying girl trying so hard to seek my attention and I'm falling into it.

No way, Riza. I'll never fall for you. I'll never fall infront of your acting.

Hey all,
So how is this part?

Rehan was feeling a bit soft for Riza but damn! He is avoiding those🥲😹.
I'm sure he'll fall for her, soon....

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