Chapter Two: Jorge

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~Sarah's P.O.V.~

I stared out the window of the Justice Building my nails digging into the wood. We had time to say goodbye, I took it as time to think about what I'd tell my sister, I mean what do you say to someone knowing your gonna die? A Peacekeeper opened the door, Harper and my mother rushed inside, both looking distraught.

Harper hugged me and I hugged her back. "Harper, hey listen to me, Thomas will bring you game you can sell cheese from your goat. Do not take out tesserae, it's not worth the risk putting your name in more times. You're gonna be okay."

Her voice cracked and her shoulders shook as she cried. "Just try to win, maybe you can."

"Maybe I can, I am smart you know." That was a lie, there would be tributes twice or three times my size from wealthier districts. Even Minho was twice my size.

"You can hunt." She said quietly.

"That's right."

Harper took off the necklace I'd given her earlier that day, it was a silver bird, our mother gave it to me when I was her age. "To protect you."

"Thank you." I hugged her and kissed her forehead, it would probably be a long time before I see her again, if at all. I took it from her and put it on, reassuring her once again, then I stood up and was standing nose to nose with my mother. 

"Do not let her make the same mistakes as me, she cannot become the heartless person I turned out to be. Harper needs her mother, do not shut her out. I won't be there anymore. Your all she has now. You have to be there for her. Understood?" 

She only nodded. I hugged her, I couldn't even imagine having to say goodbye to my teenage daughter. 

"Don't cry. Don't." 

After they were escorted out, Thomas came to see me, thank god. I hugged him despite us not having a romantic relationship. He was the closest thing I've ever had to a brother. The only real friend I've ever had. 

"I'm fine." I assured him. 

"Your stronger than they are, you are," he started, "get to a bow." 

"They may not have one-"

He stopped me. "If they don't have a bow then you make one, you know how to hunt. Just want a good show that's all they want."

"Animals." I muttered. 

"It's no different Sarah." 

Why was he right? Thomas wasn't an idiot but him saying that the others were animals made me think that maybe they might as well have been. 

"There's 24 of us, Thomas, and only one comes out." I reminded him, that was how the games worked. Nothing would change that. 

"Yeah, and it's gonna be you." 

"Take care of them, Thomas, whatever you do don't let them starve." He knew I was talking about my family. 

"I'll see you soon, okay?" 

Sure. Unless a another tribute kills me or I die from dehydration or starvation, infection it can be anything with the Hunger Games. It's always unpredictable. We were escorted to the train, Minho's eyes weren't red and puffy so he wasn't crying. But he looked miserable, I wanted to hug him myself but I knew I couldn't. Either one of us would both be dead soon or out of pure luck one of us would get to come back home. The train car was bigger than my house, it was very fancy and there were luxuries everywhere. We'd get to live like royalty for a few days then sent to an arena for our potential deaths. 

Effie Trinket was talking about the train. "200 miles per hour, you can barely feel a thing, I think it's one of the wonderful things about this opportunity. That even though your here and even though it's just for a little while, you get to enjoy all of this. I'm going to find Jorge, he's probably in the bar car."

The two of us sat in silence for a while and I didn't acknowledge Minho, even though part of me was blushing on the inside. While another part of me was telling me he might end up killing me so I have to be on my guard. 

"Have you ever met him?" Minho asked. "Jorge?" 

I shook my head, not saying a word. 

"You know, Sarah is he our mentor. He did win this thing once" He knew my name? Of course he did Effie announced it to all of District 12. I didn't want him to stop talking to me, not ever. "Look, if you don't wanna talk that's fine. I just don't think there's anything wrong with getting a little bit of help." 

I nodded. "Right." 

I was trying to refrain from saying, 'let's make out before we die.' I mean come on. I was dying on the inside, not literally. Just sitting next to this attractive man almost made me keel over from heat stroke. 

Jorge, our mentor, stumbled in very drunk and probably out of his mind. It wasn't pathetic or anything it was quite sad. His family had been killed so he turned to drinking as a form of coping with his loss and the survivors guilt from seeing all those tributes die. I felt bad for him. 

"Congratulations," Jorge muttered, he was drunk alright, he opened up a bottle of booze and poured it into his cup. He opened a metal container. "Where's the ice?"

Minho was looking at him, like he was waiting for something. "What's the plan?" 

Jorge sat in the chair across from Minho. "So eager, most of you aren't in such a...hurry." 

"Yeah, I wanna know what the plan is your our mentor your supposed--" 

Jorge cut him off. "Mentor?"

"Yeah, our mentor, your supposed to tell us how to get sponsors and give us advice." Minho pushed. 

"Oh okay, embrace the probability of your imminent death and know in your hearts that there's nothing I can do to save you." Jorge said matter of factly. Who did this guy think he was?

"So why are you here then?" I asked, annoyed with his attitude.  

He examined his glass. "The refreshments." 

Minho tried to take his drink from him but Jorge tried to swing on him but Minho got the upper hand and knocked him out with a single punch. Jorge's nose started bleeding. So Minho was strong, that'd help him. 

"I'm gonna tell him you did that." 

Minho picked Jorge up and wrapped Jorge's arm around his shoulders. "Go ahead. I'll go take him to his room."

"Okay." Did he ever stop getting hotter? Or was I just sweating because I was nervous. No. It was because of Minho's hotness. Even his voice was attractive. 


Later I found Jorge and MInho talking at a table with food or was Minho the snack? Nah he was a four course meal, with that ass. But unfortunately I saw a couple donuts and brownies, some other pastries. But donuts are good too, ooo chocolate glaze donuts. I walked over to them and took one and started eating, it was delicious. 

"How do you find shelter?" I asked after swallowing my donut. 

He completely ignored me. "Pass the jam." 

"How do you find shelter?" I asked more sternly. 

"Give me a chance to wake up hermana, this mentoring is very...taxing stuff." He poured more alcohol into his coffee. "Can you pass the marmalade?"

I grabbed a butter knife and stabbed right into the wood, missing Jorge's hand, Effie gasped. That is mahogany!"

Jorge looked at me with wide eyes. "Look at you...just killed a...placemat. You really wanna know how to stay alive, you get people to like you." He stared at me face, how do you make people like you? "Oh, not what you were expecting? Well, when your in the middle of the games and your starving or freezing some water, a knife or even some matches. Can mean the difference between life and death. And those things only come from sponsors, and to get sponsors you have to make people like you. And right now, hermana, your not off to a real good start." 

Minho wouldn't have any trouble he was strong, his arms were thick with muscles and I'm 99% sure he has abs but I'm not sure. Also he's not ugly and the people in the capitol will eat that up, attractive tributes get sponsors. Smart tributes get sponsors, not me. The stubborn, arrogant and unlikeable Sarah Jackson. 

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