Chapter Seven: The Games Part Two

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~Minho's P.O.V.~

I tried to pour water on my burn but that wouldn't do much, maybe ease the pain slightly but not enough to give me full relief. It really hurt to move but since I was gonna be stuck in that tree for a while, I wasn't moving anytime soon. Now kinda makes me wish Sarah was my ally, her mother was an apothecary, so maybe she knew something. But she was down there with the Careers sitting at their campfire. Was Teresa giggling as Gally stuck his sword in the fire? They were more than arrogant, they were stupid too. Teresa was giggling over Gally?

Then I heard something that sounded like a wind chime, a silver parachute, that was what the gifts from sponsors came in. Thank you Jorge. I climbed up the tree a little more and grabbed it, opened it. There was a note from Jorge, 'apply generously and stay alive.' I rolled my eyes.

But I was grateful for it. It wasn't the plant–based stuff you'd get back in 12, oh no. This was the expensive Capitol medicine that was crafted in a lab with only the best stuff. Jorge was truly a life saver. I did as my instructions said, it hurt but I knew it would feel better later. Hopefully. I fell asleep satisfied with the fact that I wouldn't die of infection.


When I woke up, I looked down at my leg, perfectly healed. Good. Now I had to get out of this tree without getting my throat sliced. Leaves resulted in the distance, who on earth? I thought it was another Tribute coming to finish me off but it was Chuck, he'd been in the trees evading the others. This kid was smart and didn't deserve the 7 he got. I would've given him an 8. He pointed up at something when I looked. I saw what it was, a wasp nest, this was no ordinary wasp nest. Tracker Jackers, genetically mutated wasps whose venom can produce powerful hallucinations or in extreme cases, death.

Chuck pointed at the nest then down at the Careers then at me. He wanted me to cut the nest from the tree and drop it on the Careers. Genius. I climbed up to the nest and made sure they couldn't see me. I used the knife I'd gotten after Sarah threw it into the fabric of my pack and carefully sliced the branch. Digging the blade into the branch making sure not to set off the tracker jackers. If they saw me cutting this branch they'd hunt me down until I died, hence the tracker part. One stung me in the neck then my hand but I kept cutting, I'd been spotted. Finally I cut through it and the whole thing came down and hit the ground, tracker jackers immediately went after the Careers. They all woke up and ran out of there, swatting the bugs away with no success. I slowly climbed down the tree, the hallucinations made the world seem to spin in a full circle.

Someone ran through the bushes in my direction, I thought it was an angry Gally but it was Sarah. She didn't look mad. More terrified. She was yelling at me to run, this had to be a hallucination, a very angry Gally was cutting his way through the brush, he had gotten stung on his face. Good. I beat it out of there but as I ran the world spun faster and faster until I finally collapsed.


When I came too, I was covered in leaves, someone had gotten rid of my sting wounds but how? Then I saw a short human in the distance. Chuck of course, he was hiding behind a tree. I grabbed my pack and walked over to him.

"Chuck?" He didn't move or say anything. "It's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you."

We sat down to eat and agreed to team up, he was confused on why I'd wanna be allies with him. I told him it was because he reminded me of my brother. I don't have a brother. I just said that to make him feel better about being the youngest tribute alive. I also told him he was my best chance at finding something healthier to eat besides squirrels and other animals.

"How long was I out?" I asked.

"Couple of days," Chuck replied. "I changed your leaves twice."

"Thank you." I pressed on for more answers. "What happened while I was out?"

Chuck seemed to know what I was asking. "Girl from one and the boy from ten."

"And the...girl from my district?" I asked cautiously.

"She's okay, I think she's down by the river." Chuck said, I sighed in relief. Thank god. "Is that true?"


"You and her?" He said with a teasing smile.

I smirked and laughed a little but I didn't answer, I didn't have one. "So where are Gally and the others?"

"They got all their supplies down by the lake. It's piled up in this great big pyramid." Chuck informed me.

"That sounds tempting."

That night we lay in the dark next to each other talking a little, we'd agreed to blow up the Careers supplies to cut them off. Because they didn't know how to live in the woods, I didn't either but I had a general idea since I actually learned survival skills or tried to. Chuck knew more than me which is part of the reason why he was such a good ally to have, plus he was a good kid.

"Do you like that girl?" Chuck asked.  

I laughed a little. "Can you talk about anything else?"

"If you don't like her then why'd you ask about her?" He pressed.

I sighed. "I ask cause, I know she might've saved my life. But I don't know if I was just imagining it because of the trackers."

"No," Chuck said slowly. "They never make you see good things. Nobody saved you in those dreams."

I looked away from him and stared at the sky. Gally probably wasn't to happy about that. "Then I guess she really did save me."

Chuck didn't say anything for a moment and I thought he'd fallen asleep. "There's a girl I like to back home."

"Really, what's her name?" I asked. 

"I can't say out here," he whispered, I pulled the sleeping bag over our heads and he whispered it to me. 

"That's a nice name, she's blonde isn't she?" 

Chuck shook his head. "Not many people are blonde in district 11." 

"We better get some sleep," I said reluctantly . "We gotta big day tomorrow. Some supplies to blow up." Chuck nodded and be both drifted off.

Allegiance (Minho x Reader) TMR--Hunger GamesWhere stories live. Discover now