Chapter Nine: The Games Part Four

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~Minho's P.O.V.~

Couple of days went by and I couldn't find her. Part of the problem was I didn't know where she went after I blew up the Careers supplies. This would allow us to go home together. So we wouldn't have to kill each other. The tricky part was finding her because she was no stranger to hiding. Sarah had randomly appeared next to me before I blew up the supplies, in the training center at the Capitol. She could disappear.

There was something on the stone next to the river where I decided to start my search. Chuck had mentioned she was here yesterday. So I went off that. Unfortunately the space was so open I highly doubted she'd be here. Sarah was also injured, that brought some doubt inside me, she could be half dead for all I knew. If that was the case...I shook my head ridding myself of the violent thoughts of murdering Gally. I needed to focus on finding her and not chop Gally's limbs off one by one.

"Sarah?" I called out. Nothing. I continued calling out her name in hope of finding her. But I also feared the Careers heard me and were on their way to kill me. I had an arrow at the ready just in case. But she wasn't anywhere in sight.

Claudius Templesmith made another announcement. "Attention, tributes. Commencing at sunrise there will be a feast tomorrow at the cornucopia. This will be no ordinary occasion. Each of you needs something desperately. And we plane to be generous hosts."

What did I need? I looked through my stuff, I didn't need anything, maybe Sarah did. They did these types of things to pull us together when the action was dying. Guess Gally or Teresa wasn't feeling murderous these last few days. I decided then I wasn't going, because getting killed would not do me any good. I promised Chuck I'd win. But if something did happen to me then Sarah should win instead of me. Sarah had her family who needed her, her mother, sister. I had no one. Yet, I still wanted to win, maybe for the glory or the fact that maybe I'd finally have a purpose. I gave up on finding Sarah, I didn't want to but I needed to recap and figure out what to do next.


I walked mindlessly through the woods, I still had food and enough supplies to last me for a few more days. Things were starting to get scarce and I had to be careful with what I had left. Food was pretty easy to get because killing animals was no brainer, water I had to search for but the water bottle allowed me to store it until I could get more.

I thought about Chuck and wondered, would things be different if he was still alive? Well, I'd still have my ally, him and Andrea would have a chance to go home together. I'd seen his picture when they played the anthem that day, it stung. I also saw Aris's face too and it made me kinda guilty because I had killed him. Just because he was Career didn't make him any less human. We were all human, even Gally and Rachel and Teresa. All of this was wrong but none of us could do anything about it without facing dire consequences. Death being one of them. The Hunger Games were a way for the Capitol to control us. And they weren't necessarily failing at that, I'll admit.

"Minho!" Someone yelled from a far distance, I flinched, I recognized the voice, it was Sarah.

I sprang into action and ran with all my might, despite the physical pain that would follow I didn't care all that matter was saving Sarah. She'd saved my ass twice and she deserved my help too. I kept running and using the knife to cut through the leaves. I made it to the center of the arena where Rachel had Sarah pinned against the cornucopia. There was a bag in their hands labeled with their district numbers. The feast.

"Sarah!" I ran and grabbed Teresa, pulling her off of her. My arrow was already in her chest within the second. A cannon went off, I'd ignored the sound of the cannon for most of the games but now it was music to my ears.

When I turned to her I realized Teresa had made the previous wound that Gally had made much, much worse. Before she could hit the ground I caught her, I took my jacket off and pressed it firmly against her stomach trying to stop the bleeding. The blood dripped onto the grass.

"Hey, hey you're okay." I whispered.

"Thanks for coming for me." I heard her say, barely audible.

I nodded slowly. "Of course." I slowly stood up and carried her away from the cornucopia her arms wrapped around my neck.

I found us a place to lay over for the time being, it wasn't completely out of sight but I figured it was far enough from the Careers they'd never find us. Hopefully they'd never find us. I watched as Sarah dressed her wound again. Teresa had made it worse, she explained that Teresa used a small knife to cut it deeper. Guess she immediately thought of me and called for help. Sarah laid with her back against a tree as I tried to find a source of food. Luckily I found a fat rabbit, a really fat rabbit. Sarah cooked it of course, god forbid I cook for myself, I'd either set the entire forest on fire or myself.

"Here." I handed her my water bottle. I knew where to get more. There was only a few people left. Andrea from district 11, Gally, the girl from 5 and us. There were only five tributes left, Sarah and I were the only team left.

She quickly gave it back. "Thanks."

"So, what did you need from the feast?" I asked, breaking the silence.

Sarah stared off into space as she answered. "Stitches, I need to close this wound somehow."

"Did you get them?"

She shook her head. "No. Teresa attacked me, I dropped the bag, then you saved my ass and killed Teresa."

I grabbed my pack and pulled out the bag. "I snatched Teresa's to, guess she needed food because there's a lovely bag of apples in here. We can split them if you want?"

Sarah took the bag with the large 12 on it, she pulled out the contents. A small first aid kit with the stitches. There was also some tape and a small roll of bandages, for people who supposed to be cruel they really didn't want us to die without a fight. This was my first time being with a person since Chuck had died, I didn't realize how alone I was until now.

"Here, let me help you" I took the needle from her since her hands were shaking as she tried to thread it. "Lay down."

She gave me a skeptical look as she laid fully on the ground moving her shirt so I could fully see the damage Teresa had done. "Do you even know how to stitch someone up?"

"How hard can it be?" Sarah gave me another look, one of annoyance, I let out a light laugh. "Yes, I do."

I stitched her up and unforutnate had to use my teeth to cut the string, we didn't have any scissors in the arena I guess. I also patched her up, let her eat and made her drink water. She was starting to look healthier but winning and getting treatment from the Capitol was what she needed. Sarah had lost a lot of blood, her face was pale, she'd lost a ton of weight. Her hazel eyes looked sunken and distant.

"I'm not going to make it," she said grimly. "Not like this."

"Yes you will," I assured her, but I knew what she meant, her condition wasn't gonna get any better she also couldn't sit around. Either the gamemakers would make her move or we'd get attacked by a very angry Gally. Her stitches could pop and that would add to the already serve damage done to her. "You aren't just a pretty face. your a fighter, you saved my ass twice not to mention the way you throw those knives and made the careers look like a joke. Sarah, from the day you volunteered for your sister to today there was never a second where you were a coward. Your not weak, I think you're one of the strongest people I know."

Sarah tried to smile but it looked it hurt her face. "You think I'm pretty?"

I just stared at her. "More than that."

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