S3 E3: Vegito vs the fusion of Gordon and Trunks!

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Vegeta: Do we have to fuse?

Goku: Yes. 

Trunks: Why do we have to work together?

Gordon: I have no problem with it.

Then, they see Vegito appearing in front of them.


Gordon and Trunks were blown back by this

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Gordon and Trunks were blown back by this.

Vegito: Do the fusion dance.

Gordon: We have no choice.

Trunks: You're right.

Gordon and Trunks stayed a few feet from each other, Trunks's arms and index, middle, ring, and pink fingers faced to the the right while Gordon's arms and index, middle, ring, and pinky fingers faced to the left, their legs bending a bit and took 3 steps, outstretching their arms towards each other's direction and their fingers were near each other.

Gordon/Trunks: Fu!

Gordon and Trunks clenched their fists as Trunks's arms faced the right and and Gordon's arms faced the left, and their right leg and left leg was bent and in front of their other leg, doing a quarter turn and watching the angle of their knee.

Gordon/Trunks: Sion!

Gordon and Trunks leaned towards each other, their right arms bent with their index fingers touching each other and their left arms outstretched and slightly bent and their fingers once again touching, their left leg was outstretched and their right leg was bent, their fingers parallel to each other.

Gordon/Trunks: HA!

Gordon and Trunks is surrounded by a orange aura, and then Trunks's body takes on a green hue and Gordon's body takes on a blue hue, both of them becoming swirls inside of the orange aura, spinning faster and growing larger before it dispersed, generating air pressure to reveal a tall and muscular man, embodying the strength and power of both Gordon and Trunks. His hair is a mix of Gordon's black locks and Trunks' lavender hair, forming a stunning blend of colors that flows down his back in a styled fashion. His eyes are a striking combination of Gordon's bright and expressive eyes and Trunks' intense gaze, conveying a sense of determination and focus. He wears a standard black vest and black wristbands, symbolizing the unity of the two warriors. Unique yellow padding adorns his shoulders and torso, adding a pop of color to his outfit. A teal belt cinches his waist, emphasizing his powerful physique, while teal leg bands wrap around his calves, giving him a sleek and coordinated look.

Vegito: Who are you?

Trudon: Oh, with the Potara, it was Trukarotto, so this time it'll be Gordonks, no, my name shall be Trudon!

Trudon clenched his fists, his black and lavender colored hair starting to stand up on end as the Super Saiyan Blue aura surrounded him.

Trudon clenched his fists, his black and lavender colored hair starting to stand up on end as the Super Saiyan Blue aura surrounded him

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