Season 1 Episode 9: Thanks for waiting! The Super Saiyan God arrived at last!

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Intro Song

No matter how reality may put you to the test

[Beerus and Whis appears on King Kai's Planet]

Gods above you work to push you to your best

[Gordan goes Super Saiyan and lunges at Beerus with a barrage of punches, all which are blocked]
All day
(All day)

[Beerus bitchslaps Gordan, knocking him out and reverting him to base]
All night
(All night)
Though it may be hard and could leave you broken and scarred

[Vegeta goes Super Saiyan 2 (Enraged)]

In my heart I know you won't give up the fight

[The Super Saiyan God ritual is done and Gordan becomes the Super Saiyan God]

Because you showed me I could be the light

[SSJG Gordan & Beerus fly up all the way up to the mesosphere]
Oh yeah
(Oh yeah)

[Beerus impales Gordan, making him fall down]
All right
(All right)

[Gordan activates Kaio-kenx20]

Go fight til the break of dawn!
Be brave and gimme, gimme power, power, power, power
Let the strength within you shine

[Gordan and Beerus fly around, shokcwaves generated as they engage in close combat]

Even if you fall, I know you'll rise up and you'll try it over again
That's why you're running, running, running
Running for the future
Pushing on towards all your drеams

We'll see you flying high just like a... HERO!

[Gordan fires Final Spirit Cannon at the Beerus Ball, pushing it back as Gordan increases the energy output]

Although we all havе fears hidden deep inside our hearts
Ones we cannot speak for fear they'll dim our spark

[Gordan remembers everyone that helped that got him to where he was today]
Come true
(Come true)
Even if you can't see your strength like I do

[Gordan starts punching all of the rocks with Enhance, all of them easily destroyed]

Your song lifted up my will to fight
The strength of your melody won the night

[Gordan becomes the Super Saiyan God once again as he flies towards Beerus]
Your song
(Your song)

[Gordan and Beerus fly around the Earth, still fighting as they do that]

Echoes in the depths of my heart
Be brave and gimme, gimme power, power, power, power
Let the strength within you shine

[Gordan's wound starts to heal as flames erupt out of his body, and he flies up, leaving a trial of fire behind him as he rushes at Beerus]

Even if you fall, I know you'll rise up and you'll try it over again
That's why you're running, running, running
Running for the future
Pushing on towards all your dreams

We'll see you flying high just like a... HERO!

[Gordan activates Kaio-kenx20 and fires x20 Kaio-ken Kamehameha at Beerus point-blank range]

This ever changing future
Just waits for you to take hold

[Vegeta goes Super Saiyan, flaring his aura tremendously]
As it unfurls before us
It's time to let our fear go

[Leisha breaks down and cries as she looks at Gohan & Gordon at 11 years old after defeating Cell]
So long as you're by my side
I know that we'll be alright

We will be the ones to come out on top... TONIGHT!

[Gordon and Bardock prepares Final Spirit Cannon]

Let the light that's within you shine on
Lighting up tomorrow

[Gordon fires Limit-Breaker Kamehameha at Beerus, who takes it and plummets down onto the ship until Gordon lands on the ship and holding up Beerus]
Guiding the way through the dark

Even if you fall, I know you'll rise up and you'll try it over again

[Gordon goes Super Saiyan 3 and fires Instant Kamehameha, the attack engulfing Beerus completely]

Be brave and gimme, gimme power, power, power, power
Only you can beat the gods

We'll see you flying high just like a... HERO!

[Trunks goes Super Saiyan 2 and Bulla goes Super Saiyan, their auras flaring]

Leave all the despair behind
Feel your heartbeat thunder loud
With emotions flying high
I hear your song ringing out
Your light guides us through the night
With a wish we'll win the fight

[The sky darkens as Shenron comes out of the Dragon Balls]
What's to come is still untold!
Leave all the despair behind
Feel your heartbeat thunder loud
With emotions flying high

[The weather changes as Gordon's hair, eyebrows, and eyes becomes inferno-red]
I hear your song ringing out
Your light guides us through the night
With a wish we'll win the fight
Together we'll sing out the song of HOPE!

[Gordon and Beerus flew towards each other and cocked back their fists before they stop, revealing the logo My Hero Ball Super]

On Bulma's cruise ship, Trunks and Goten bring out the Dragon Balls . Beerus remarks that those must be the "wishing spheres", though he thought . Whis explains about how Earth has some as well , and that the "wishing spheres" of are indeed smaller. As is summoned, the see him as they row away from the Princess Bulma and realize that the Dragon Balls were on board after all. Shenron is summoned, upon looking at Beerus, he instantly cowers in fear, recognizes, and anxiously greets the God of Destruction. Later, Gordon asks Shenron to bring them the Super Saiyan God, in which Shenron explains that Super Saiyan God is a figure from Saiyan myth and does not currently exist. However, Shenron does know the method for producing Super Saiyan God: according to a , if five pure-hearted Saiyans hold hands and pour their hearts into another pure-hearted Saiyan, the god of the Saiyans will be born. With that, Shenron bids a very respectful farewell to Beerus and departs. thinks things are hopeless because they only have four pure-hearted Saiyans, and tells him that is no longer evil, only pride has not departed from him. Leisha also defends him by saying Vegeta took the family on vacation and he is a good father. Goku, Goten, Vegeta, and Trunks hold hands and attempt to turn Gordon into a Super Saiyan God. Goku complains about Gordon getting the honor, and Gordan requests to make Goku one next. Though Gordon's power grows higher than before, he still does not feel like a god. Whis interjects that according to Shenron's instructions, the Saiyans need to infuse their "hearts" rather than their "ki". What is more, since five Saiyans must share their hearts with one more, a total of six righteous Saiyans are needed. Things seem truly hopeless now, and Beerus begins charging another attack to destroy the Earth, but interrupts, revealing that she is pregnant with Gohan's child. Everyone celebrates, while some people suggests that they name the baby "Gomen". Though nobody is sure if it will work, the group tries the hand-holding ritual once more, this time with Videl added to the mix. At first nothing seems to happen, and Goku retorts that perhaps Vegeta or even Gohan's baby were not pure-hearted, but after the group concentrates more a light begins shining out from Videl. Golden clouds begin swirling around the cruise ship, and the seas become violent, creating a whirlpool that starts sucking in the Pilaf Gang's rowboat. Gordan says his body is starting to hurt a little, and now a blue light surrounds the group. A huge pillar of light shoots out from them and pierces through the clouds, and the group begins to shake. Gordon glows red, and when the glow fades, he has transformed into a younger-looking, thinner form with carmine-colored hair.  

A/N: Carmine is a shade of red.

Whis seems to offer confirmation that Gordon is now a god. Beerus is reminded of the figure from his dream, who looks exactly like Gordon. As the others, especially Leisha, speculate about his new appearance, Gordon feels very excited, ready to fight Beerus.

Gordon: Uncle Beerus! It's time for round 2!

Beerus: Let's do this then.

Gordon: Hey it's me Gordon! I finally became a Super Saiyan God! Now I'll beat Beerus like this! Next time on My Hero Ball Super, Show Us What You Can Do, Gordan! Super Saiyan God Unleashed!

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