S3 E15: Kota

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On the morning of day two of the training camp, Class 1B meets up in the forest. 

Vlad King: Class 1B today you will be training to enhance your Quirks capabilities. Class 1A was in the spotlight the first semester, so I want you, my students, to step it up so they'll have their turn. 

The students want to know how specifically they will be training since they all have different Quirks. 

Vlad King: All Quirks need to be exercised in order to improve and you, my students, need to go beyond their limits. Class 1A has already started!

Meanwhile with Class 1A

Aizawa: Today class, we're going to be strengthening your quirk capabilities. Bakugo, correct me if I'm wrong, you could throw 705.2 miles last time, correct?

Bakugo: Yes. 

Aizawa: Good, throw the softball again.

Bakugo: Alright.

Bakugo walked up to Aizawa, took the softball from Aizawa's hand and then threw the ball, enhanced by an explosion, creating air pressure. 

Aizawa: 800 meters. You've certainly improved Bakugo. And we all are going to improve. Now get to training and no one, and I mean, NO ONE, will slack off. 

Class 1A: We understand Aizawa-Sensei! 

Aizawa: Now go and train!

Class 1-B arrives at the Pussycats' cabin where the training camp is taking place. Class 1-B's teacher, the Blood Hero: Vlad King faces his class and smiles.

Vlad King: Class 1B, you all are going to be doing one thing: improving and upgrading their Quirks by pushing their Quirks to the limit which will make their Quirks stronger. 

Class 1-B then witness Class 1-A's training. Many from Class 1-A are pushing their Quirks to the limit in unfavorable conditions in order to strengthen their Quirks such as Katsuki using Explosions in boiling water. Some students from Class 1-B doubt if they, along with Class 1-A, can all be trained and supervised all at once. The Pussycats (the entire team) consisting of Mandalay, Pixie-Bob, Ragdoll, and Tiger introduce themselves and their Quirks to Class 1-B. Tiger: Any student with simple power augmenting Quirks, come with me. 

Izuku, Gordon, Gohan, Goten, Bulla, and Trunks is seen stretching. 

Tiger: Izuku Midoryia, I want you to attack me with everything you have.

Izuku: Got it!

Izuku uses 5% Detroit Smash but Tiger is able to dodge Izuku's move effortlessly. Tiger retaliates by punching Izuku and notes that his muscle fibers have not yet teared. 

Aizawa: Class 1-B. the Pussycats have large area-of-effect Quirks that can help and train dozens of students all at once, that it is the best way of advancing everyone's Quirks in a short span of time. 

Tiger: Midoryia, you need to push you Quirk to the limit.

Izuku gets up and understands that it is up to him now to discipline and train his body in order to use more of One For All's power. Izuku begins stretching his body vigorously again while Tiger encourages him further. Behind a tree, a silent Kota is watching.

Gohan: Gordon, I held back on you.

Gordon: You've held back on me?!

Gohan: I've only had my power slightly below your own. 

Gordon: You liar! Mark my words, I will surpass you!

Gordon flew away and everyone was a bit confused at what just occurred.

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