3. Kings Cross

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We arrived at London Heathrow airport. It was vey crouded.

"What happens next?" Frank asked.

"I don't know," said Annabeth.

"Look!" I said and pointed at a middle-aged woman and a man. The man was holding a sign. 'Hogwarts' it said. We walked over to them.

The woman turned to us and smiled. "Oh, how lovely! You must be the exchange students from the USA, right? I'm Euphemia Potter. And this is my husband, Fleamont. And this is James- James? Ugh! Where is that boy?! If you'll excuse me I have a boy chase. Fleamont dear, please take them to Kings Cross. We don't want to miss the train." The lady seemed very kind. But something was suspicious about her name I feel like I've heard it before.

Mr. Potter walked us to a small car. We stood in front of it. "Uhm excuse me, Mr. Potter-" Jason said.

"Please call me Fleamont"

"Ok. Is that car even going to fit us all? I mean look at it. It would hardly fit four people."

Fleamont just chuckled. "That is where the magic comes in. Hop in kids. It will fit-"

"Mr. P! Don't leave without us!" Said a voice. I turned around and couldn't believe what I was seeing. Mrs. Potter and the two boys from my dream and a third boy were walking to us. I guessed the third boy was their son.

"Oh, uh sorry. I'm Sirius Black this is my little bro Regulus, and this boy is homeless, and we don't even know how he got here." said Sirius. I studied him. He didn't look like he had a round of torture from his mother. But most people who are sad or depressed or hurt never show it. They usually appear as the ones who laugh the most.

The third boy jabbed him in the side. "I'm not homeless you bastard. I'm James. James Potter. Captain of gryffindor team_"

"Enough with the ego, Prongsie. Let them introduce themselves,"

We all introduced ourselves and got in the car. I sat in the window seat and watched the busy streets of London. People were hurrying in every direction, big red busses moved everywhere. I've always dreamed of travelling, it was just not possible because of the whole daughter of Poseidon and Zeus stuff. Well I was in Greece and Rome... but fighting giants and saving the world doesn't really count as an enjoyable trip, does it?

Anyway, we got to the big station, Kings Cross, they call it. I was amazed by its build. Annabeth didn't stop ranting about its architecture the whole time. To be honest the architecture was pretty good and amazing.

"Here are your tickets," Euphemia said. "You'll need them so please don't lose it." I looked at my ticket. 'Platform 9 and 3\4'.
"Platform 9 and 3\4? Is that even a thing?" I asked. Fleamont just smiled. "Of course it is. But only when you know where to go." I narrowed my eyes in confusion. The family looked really kind, but so did Gaea when she appeared in my dreams last year.

I followed them to the platform nine and ten. "Regulus, dear, do you want to show them how it's done?" said Euphemia.

Regulus nodded, "Just concentrate on the wall between platforms nine and ten. Then start with a run and walk through it." he said that last bit 'walk through the wall' like he was talking about what he had for lunch yesterday.
He laughed at our confused faces. But he pushed his trolley into a run and ran through the wall. "Is he ok/ do we have to save him?" Piper asked with concern.

"No need to worry dear, he knows what he is doing. I suggest you follow, we don't want you to miss the train."

I took a deep breath. And I started with a small run towards the wall, it kept getting closer and closer I closed my eyes the second the wall touched me. I opened my eyes to see a huge crowd. They were all parents kissing and wishing their kids goodbye. Kids were hurrying to the train and meeting each other.

The train itself was magnificent. It was red and black. 'Hogwarts Express' was written on it. I smiled. Maybe this isn't so bad after all.

Sirius approached me," It's YN, right?"


"Did I meet you before?"

"Did you ever go to the US?"


"Then you haven't. Why did you ask?"

"Because you kept giving Reggie and I weird looks... Ones you give a person you met before but can't quiet remember,"

I suddenly realized that I was giving him weird looks. I mean... How does a boy with such a parent be so okay? "You reminded me of someone I knew a long time ago." I lied. If I told him I saw him in my dream, he might think I'm a freak or he might start sensing something suspicious about us. And that is the last thing we want at the moment.

He nodded and went along, the train whistled. "Hurry up kids! You're gonna miss the train!" Mrs.Potter ushered us.

I moved quickly onto the train, Sirius and James infront of us talking about something called Zonkos. I have no idea what that could be.

We found a compartment next to the one Sirius and James went in. Right away, ours got filled, there was no space left for me.

"It's okay, I'll go sit with Sirius and James. Get to know them. Ask them if they know Peter Pettigrew. We've got no time to lose,"

"But YN-"

"It's alright, really,"

I walked to the other compartment. But I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw a read headed girl with emerald green eyes.

"Oh I'm soooo sorry," she said.

"No, I'm sorry. It was my bad." I replied.

"You're one of the american exchange students, am I right? I am Lily. Lily Evans. The Gryffindor Prefect. I see you don't have a compartment. Come sit with us!"

"I'm YN," I said. Lily seemed kind. I followed her to the compartment. It was at the other side of the compartment of Sirius and James. I peered in as we walked by. Inside were two other boys. The first one was shorter and was stuffing his face with sweets. The other one was taller and reading a book. Sirius and James were laughing about something. The boy with the book looked highly annoyed. But if they are friends, I guessed he's always annoyed.

"Who are those?" I asked Lily.

She looked into the compartment," Oh, that is James 'the arrogant toerag' Potter," at that I snorted. That was a good creative nickname.

She rolles her eyes," the most arrogant person I have ever met. Anyway, that is Sirius Black," she pointed at the boy with the book," that's Remus Lupin. He is also Gryffindor Prefect," she pointed at the last boy," that is Peter Pettigrew."

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