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"Nervous?" Lily chuckled as we walked down the pitch.

"A little," I admit. Flying was never my thing. Or to state it in better words: Never something safe for me.

"It's actually pretty simple. The only thing you do is steer the broom and practice holding the ball while doing so."

"Huh," was all I said.

"Evans! LN! Come join us!"

"Godric help me!" Lily muttered under her breath.

James and Sirius came down flying on their brooms. Oh how graceful both were floating down to us. Those two really do know how to fly a broom. Maybe I could learn that too...

"We were just practicing with Leo and Jason. Speaking of where are the-" James was interrupted with a loud scream as Leo was falling down face first. Jason was diving right behind him. That would be easy for Jason to save him. But would he manage it without showing anything unusual?

A broom zoomed in right after Leo. He was able to grab it last minute.

The girl on the broom had straight brown, shoulder length hair. Her eyes were hazel brown and she was smiling wide.

"Ahh, Meg. Good call there," James said patting Leo on the back. Leo shrugged but he was grinning. His hand was still around Meg's shoulders. Her arm was also around his shoulder. 

"Guess I'm a bit clumsy flying am I?" Leo said with a chuckle.

"No not at all! You were great. Just a bit of practice and maybe you could make it onto the team!" James said. He turned to me and Lily.

"I see there is another training lesson," he said with a small wink.

"You know, Leo, I could give you flying lessons. To get on the team," Meg said in a sickly sweet voice. I narrowed my eyes at her. For some reason I didn't like the idea of her and Leo being alone on the pitch. But I didn't give a comment.

"Uhh yeah, sure," Leo said with a nod.

Sirius put a dramatic hand in his chest,"Oh Jamsie, he is leaving us forever. Choosing her over us!"

Leo looked confused at first then he hugged Sirius in a yet another dramatic way,"No my dear Captain Sirius, I would never. But if you may excuse me, I have homework to finish," he said with a dismissive wave.

"Oh, Jamesie, he is going to leave us. How can I live without my student," Sirius act-fainted in James' arms.

I laughed at his dramatic acts. I put a dramatic hand on my chest,"Now now, Sirius, you don't think I am good enough or worthy of your time?"

He threw his arm around me,"Oh no YN I could never. Forgive me! Follow me! It's time to teach you how to fly!"

Lily put her hands to her hips," Excuse me, did you all forget me now?" She asked with playfully narrowed eyes.

Sirius threw his other arm around Lily,"Oh no, never, Lilyflower," he shot a somehow mocking look at James. James didn't seem really happy.

"Might as well join," he shrugged.

"Great, now that the uh- happy theater is over, I wanna start practicing," Piper said, appearing out of nowhere on a broom.

"Wow, Pipes, how'd you do that?" Lily asked climbing on her broom and floating up to her.

"I may or may have not watched and came every time with Jason and Leo. I was always fond of flying. Think I might apply for Chaser?" She said as she did a looped loop. Cool.


Okay... I'll calm down.

I was actually good at flying. I mean it wasn't that hard. Idk.

But when we were done, and heading back to the castle, I saw Meg coming out.

"Oi! Meg! Whatcha doin' so late at the pitch?" James half shouted.

She turned to us and gave us a sickly sweet smile," Training," she said in her, then again, sickly sweet voice.

"Don't be late," James called after her and she nodded.

I walked up with Lily and Piper to our dorms. On my bed I noticed a piece of parchment and picked it up.

YN,Annabeth,Piper and Hazel,

Meet us tomorrow at 10 at the front of the portrait. Don't look suspicious. Chiron sent us a message and we have to start taking action. Planning. Do not tell anyone.


Jason,Percy and Frank


I looked up to the girls while after I read it to them when we were alone.

"Well," Annabeth said,"The fun had to end at one point didn't it?"

Hey mu lovelies

Sooooooo sorry for the late update. Wish I could wrote earlier. But hehe.. Anyway, things are gonna start getting McShizzled in the next chapters.

Bytyyyyyyeeeee myllll

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