Chapter 10

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In the evening

I creeped up to Beau's room, I smiled as I heard him humming 'call me maybe'. Bless him, he was even out of tune when he was humming. Thank god for auto tune. I knocked on Beau's door. He yelled for me to come in, he was rushing about packing his suitcase, typical Beau, he had left it until last minute. I panicked as I saw Beau's wardrobe empty, how long was he planning on staying there for!? His room went fuzzy as I carried on panicking and getting worked up, I felt almost faint.

I sniffed in as I felt a something dribble down my nose. Gross, it wasnt even cold season. Beau looked up at me from his crouched position when he heard me sniff.

"What the hell Zoey you have a nose bleed!?" Beau said in a panic as he dropped his clothes on the floor and stood up. I looked in the mirror, shit, he was right. I had never had a nose bleed in my life! Beau ran to the bathroom and grabbed some toilet paper, he drained away the blood and cleared everything up. 

"Thank you." I said. I still felt weird, I felt dizzy. This cant be normal. 'I will go to the hospital as soon as Beau goes to England,' I told myself.

Beau finished off packing and then studied me, his eyebrows were furrowed together.

"Beau whats the matter?" I panicked, I didnt like the way he was looking at me.

He rolled his eyes, "Please dont tell me you are on a diet!? You are already a perfect figure, dont make yourself skinnier!" He said as he pulled his suitcase out of his bedroom door, leaving me alone. I looked at my self in the mirror. He was right, I had lost a lot of weight, I hadnt really noticed before, I guess it was just puberty wearing off. Why were all these weird things happening to me!?

I followed him out to the hall. "Its my puberty fat wearing off." I told him as he dragged his suitcase downstairs.

"Is that what happens with all girls?" Beau asked curiously.

"I guess so." I said and shrugged. Honestly I had no idea, my wrists were so thin it looked like a piece of tissue paper covering a bone.

"Well thats ok then!" Beau said and smiled. 

All the boys were there, they all stood around the door, obviously waiting for Beau. 

"Finally." Luke groaned when he saw his brother.

"Just get in the car so I can say good bye to my girlfriend?" Beau said ignoring Luke. 

The boys all 'ooed' at his sassiness but did as told.

Beau turned to me, I gulped in an attempt to contain my tears, how would I cope without Beau? Without any of them? I would be alone in a house for an unknown amount of time. I looked at Beau, his eyes were closed, his forehead wrinkled as he thought of something to say. He pulled me close to him, his arms were wrapped around my waist, our noses touched each others lightly, we stayed in this position, just embracing each others company. 

"I'm going to miss you." He whispered. He looked at me in the eyes, his eyes were glassy with tears, I could tell he was trying to hold them in. I didnt try to hold mine in anymore, I let tears roll down my cheeks.

"Dont cry." He whispered, he wiped away my tears and kissed my forehead. I savoured the kiss, my forehead still tingled at his touch.

"Dont leave me." I whispered quiet enough for him to hear. I know we had only dated for 2 weeks but the connection we had created was unbelievable.

"I have to.. I want to, I need to see the fans, it wouldnt be fair if I backed out now.." Beau admitted. Our intimate moment was ruined by the car beeping noisily outside. Beau took in a deep breath and took a step away from me, he sniffed in and wiped his eyes. I had never seen Beau cry, I had known him for 5 years and this was honestly the first time. He put on his coat and grabbed his suitcase he wheeled it over to the door which was wide open. He leaned in for a goodbye hug. I hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go. I did, without saying goodbye he rushed out of the house to put his suitcase in the boot. I waved to the boys slowly before beginning to shut the door. I guess that was it then, the door was almost closed until a foot was rammed into it. I opened it up and saw Beau frowning. 

"I wouldnt leave without a goodbye kiss." He grinned cheekily. We smiled into the kiss, Beau had his arms wrapped loosely around my hips and my arms hung around his neck. As the kiss got a bit more intense my hand moved into his hair, ruffling it up a bit. He tightened his grip and pulled me closer. Our lips moved together in sync, this kiss couldnt be more perfect.

Beau pulled away "I love you." He said whilst breathing rapidly. I smiled. 

"I love you too." I admitted. 

"I will be back before you know it," He whispered and kissed my cheek. He ran off to the car and climbed in, the boys immediately drove off into the darkness. Before I knew it I was alone, Gina had already left, she had said bye to everyone earlier this evening.

I had a bad feeling about this...

Worth Fighting For - A Beau Brooks Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now